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Bronfenbrenner's Ecological


Bronfenbrenner came up with a simple yet

useful paradigm showing the different factors
that exert influence on an individual’s
development. It points out the ever widening
spheres of influence that shape every individual,
from his/her immediate family to the
neighborhood, the country even the world!
Urie Brofenbrenner (1917-2005) developed
the ecological systems theory how to explain
how everything in a child and the child’s
environment affects how child grows and
develops. He labeled different aspects or levels
of the environment that influence the children's
Topic About

Bronfenbrenner’s Model also known as

the Bioecological Systems theory presents
child development within the context of
relationship systems that comprise the child
environment. Each layers is further made of
different structures. The term
“BIOECOLOGICAL” points out that a child’s
own bio ecological make up impacts as a
key factor in one’s development. To study a
child’s development then, we must look not
only at the child and her immediate
environment, but also at the interaction of
the larger environment as well.

The Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model; Structure of Environment

The MICROSYSTEM – is the layer nearest of the child. It comprises structures
which the child directly interacts with. The small immediate environment
the child lives in. It includes structures such as one’s family, school and
neighborhood. As such, the microsystem covers the most basic
relationships and interactions that a child has/his immediate environment.
Does the child have strong and nurturing relationships with the parents
and family? Are his/her needs met? Relationships effects happens in two
directions-both away from the child and toward the child. This means that
the child's is affected by people whit whom interacts and in turn these
people are also affected by child. Brofenbrenner calls these bi-directional
influence, and shows how they occur among all levels of environment. This
quite similar to what Erickson termed as “mutuality” in his psychosocial
MESOSYSTEM – This layer serves as the connection between the structure
of the child’s microsystem. It describes how the different parts of the
child microsystem worked together for the sake of the child.

EXOSYSTEM – The layer refers to the bigger social system in which the
child does not function directly. This includes the city government. The
workplace and the mass media. This includes the circumstances of the
parents work like the location schedules.
MACROSYSTEM – This layer is found in the outermost part in the child’s
environment. This includes the cultural, values, customs and laws. The
belief systems contained in one’s macrosystem permeates all the
interactions. In the other layers and reaches the individual. The largest
and most remote set of people and things to a child but which still has a
great influence over the child. Such as the relatives freedom these
thing can also affect a child either positively or negatively. Because of
the differences on beliefs, children's from different parts of the world
experience different child rearing practice and therefore differences in
development as well.
CHRONOSYSTEM – covers an element of time as it relates to a child’s
environments. This involves pattern of stability and change in child’s life.
This involves whether the child’s day is characterized by an orderly
predictable pattern, or whether the child is subjected to sudden
changes in routine. This system can affect or influence the child
externally, like the training other siblings coming or the timing of parental
separation or even death. Effect can also be internal , like in the bodily
changes that occur within the developing child. The children may have
also acquired the ability to cope and decide to what extent they will
allow changes around to affected them.
The long debate may be coming to an end. For decades if not for
centuries, there was along drown debate on which had more impact on
child development nature or nurture. Another way of putting it is , is it
heredity or environment nature influences. Child development more,
more and more research now point out that both child’s biology and his
environment play role in child’s growth and development. Development
theories now stress on the role-played by each and the extent to which
they interact in going development.
Bronfenbrenner pointed out that as a child develops, the interplay
within the layers of environment systems become more complex. The
dynamic interactions of the systems happen meantime, while the child’s
physical and cognitive structure also grow and nature.

Bronfenbrenner co-founded lead start the publicly founded early

childhood program in the US. He conclude that the instability and
unpredictability of family life is the most distinct five force to a child
development. Researchers tell us that absence or lack children’s
contract mutual interaction whit important adults has negative affects.
On their development. Children looking for the affirmations that should
be present in the child/parent (or child/important adult) relationships look
for attention in appropriate places. This deficiencies show themselves
especially in adolescent as anti-social behavior lack of self-discipline
and inability to provide self direction.
Brofenbrenner’s theory reminds the school and the teachers of their
important role. If there is a lack of support , care and affection from the
home, if there is a serious breakdown of the basic relationships in a
child’s life. This theory helps teachers look into every child’s
environmental system in order to understand more about the
characteristics and needs of child and learning and contribute stability
and long term relationships in the home.
School and Teacher’s social role is not to replace the lack in the
home but to work so that the school becomes on environment that
welcomes the nurture the welcome families.

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