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Integration using ITF


Shruti Srivatsan
Why should one learn Integration?
Centre of Mass Detection Bacteria growth determination
What is ITF?
General Representation of ITF
 If y= tan x, x= tan-1 y

 If a= sec b, b= sec-1 a

 If m= sin n, n= sin-1 m

 If s= cos t, t= cos-1 s

 If e= cot f, f= cot-1 e

 If r= cosec p, p= cosec-1 r
Must Know Points!
Integration meets Inverse Trignometry
How to Approach those sums?
When we have any function as a product with ITF,

we use ILATE rule.[ Integration By PARTS]

I- Inverse Trignometric Function [Higher preference]

L- Logarithmic Function
A- Algebraic
T- Trignometric
E- Exponential [Least preference]

STEP 1: Assume the ‘u’ and ‘dv’ value in a given sum by ILATE rule.
Higher preference in the order is given ‘u’ value.

STEP 2: Find the derivative of ‘u’ function.

STEP 3: Find the integral of ‘dv’ function.

STEP 4: Remember the formula:

udv=uv - vdu

‘I’ is always first when compared to other functions.

So, whenever there is an ITF with another

function, ITF takes ‘u’ value.
IMPORTANT Two Marker for Class 12th Board Exams:

ex(tan-1x+1/(1+x2) )dx

-> Let f(x)=tan -1 x

f ‘(x)= 1/(1+x2)

We know by exponential rule:

exf(x)+f’(x)=ex f(x)+c

Therefore, we get extan-1x + c

IMPORTANT Four Marker for Class 12th Board Exams:

tan-1((1-x)/(1+x))1/2 dx

-> Put x= cos t

dx= -sin t dt

We get: tan-1(tan t/2) * (-sin t)dt

=-1/2 tsint dt

Applying ILATE rule: u= t dv= sin t

du=1 v=-cos t

By formula: -1/2[ -t cos t – (1- cos2t)1/2] +c

Replace value of x instead of t: -1/2[ -x cos -1 x– (1- x2)1/2] +c



Sin -1 x – cos -1 x
------------------------- [6- Marker]
Sin -1 x + cos -1 x
Presentation Takeaway:

1) ITF is the inverse of a trignometric function

2) ILATE rule
3) ITF general formulae
4) Exponential Rule
5) 3 Important Board questions
Thank You!

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