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Workshop on Management Games

Term I, AY 2019-20
Industry: C110178 Company Name: Andrews

Group Members:
Abhishek: 0161/56
Achanta Vishnu: 0162/56
Animesh Gupta: 0165/56
Anand Nayak: 0164/56
Amandeep Singh: 0163/56

Slide# 1
Please state the objectives that you set out to achieve at the beginning of round 1, also
tell us why? (You can mention segments that you intended to focus, your strategic choice for
each segment and financial objectives that you wanted to achieve thereof.)

Initial Objectives:
• Focus on the quality (performance and size) of each product and
keeping it relevant to the current users
• Focus on publicizing our improved products to customers
• Competitive pricing as per market scenario
• Avoiding long term debt

Slide# 2
What was your strategy to achieve these objectives and tell us the operational decisions that you
Took (round-wise), that you thought, would help you achieve these objectives? Which decisions
helped you achieve success through the rounds, and which did not work and why?

• To keep the R&D budget almost evenly distributed among all product
• To keep the production of each product 10-15% higher than amount
sold in last year
• To avoid stock-out of any product
• To incrementally increase in R&D of every category of product
• To keep the promotion and marketing budget of each category high so
that people can know about our products
• To incrementally decrease the price of every category of product

Slide# 3
Mention unexpected events that took place over the rounds. Did you change your
objectives at this point of time, if yes, did those work?

Unexpected events and change in strategy:

• Heavy losses in consecutive rounds
• Overdraft, Emergency loan sustained
• Low sales of products due to less R&D

Change in objectives:
• To produce only what is sure of selling
• To take adequate amount of long term debt
• To improve R&D of only one of two products instead of all products

Slide# 4
Name the competitor(s) who you were most alert about in different segments, functional areas
and financial parameters, why? (Please state here specific decisions made by competitors that
hurt your business and you were not expecting them.)

We were mostly alert about Ferris:

• They were focused on heavy R&D from the first round and hence they
were soaring in profits
• Ferris also had no emergency loan sustained at any point of time
• We also tried to emulate the pricing strategy of Ferris

We also looked at Baldwin’s:

• Amount spent on promotion of products
• Changes in production of products

Slide# 5
Please mention decisions that changed in the competition round when compared to the practice
Round (Mention specific decisions.). Discuss whether you opted for similar segmental focus and
financial objectives, and how would your operational intents be different?

In the practice round, we allocated different type of operations to each

member. In the competition round, we discussed all the operations
amongst each other and then made decisions. This made the
communication between different types of operations better.

Slide# 6
Thank You!

Slide# 7

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