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Hand safety – many

gardening injuries involve
the hands and fingers.
Always wear gardening gloves to
protect your hands against cuts, soil,
insect bites and skin irritants.
•Don’t use your bare hands for
things like shoveling as the soil
can contain buried objects like
broken glass and tree roots
which can injure you
•Use rubber gloves when
working with garden
chemicals. Always inspect the
rubber gloves for holes or
tears before use.
•Consult your doctor about
keeping your tetanus
vaccination up to date. Cuts
and puncture injuries carry a
risk of tetanus.

5. Make sure to point the edge of
sharp or pointed tool away from
yourself and others.
6. Wear eye protection when filling
or cutting metal. Arrange your
work so that other people are
protected from flying chips.
7. Pass tools to others with
the handles towards them.
8. If the tool is adjustable,
make sure that any
adjustment is firmly secured
before using it again.

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