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Marco julian cadena castro
Contamination of rivers

 About 5 million tons of

oil produced in the
world go to the ocean
at the end,
contaminating the
water and killing many
1. What do you think about
the problem?
The contamination of the rivers is
serious because the rivers produce the
water which is fundamental in daily life
since without it we would not survive.
Apart from that, this substance
damages marine life by killing animals
that are not guilty of human waste and
for me it is very unfair.
2. What would be a
possible solution for it?
A group of researchers from the
Massachusets Institute of Technology
(MIT), developed in 2012 a peculiar way
to clean up oil spills. As water does not
mix with oil, it can easily be seen in
the sea. Therefore, the scientists mixed
water repellents with iron
nanoparticles, which are deposited in
the hydrocarbon by adhering to it, but
separating from the water. In this way,
magnets are then used to attract oil
and remove it from the seas.
This process can be carried out from
ships and the great advantage is that
the nanoparticles can then be removed
from the oil making the latter reusable.
3. Do you see this problem
in your community? What do
people do about it?
The truth is, I see how people around
me throw no oil but garbage in the
rivers day by day.
People in my environment really do not
know the damage they do and they are
not interested, except for my
classmates and my teachers who are
interested and concerned.
4. What will you do in the
future to help solve this
In the future I would do everything in
my power to prevent this
contamination from getting out of
control, such as campaigns,
videoconferences promoting river care.
I know that not all people would
support me but I wouldn't think to
stand idly by doing nothing.
Thanks for read.

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