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Types of Conscience

Correct Conscience
The judgment of the mind when it concludes correctly
from true principles that some act is lawful or sinful.
There are two main environments in
which a correct conscience is molded.
The primary environment is the home, where the family
begins the shaping of a child's conscience and their
ability to choose right from wrong.
the second environment, which is just as crucial as the first, is school.
From the age of five until the age of eighteen, school is a central part of a
child's life. These years are the most impressionable and the most easily
influenced. The educational system and the teachers within it become
important agents in aiding children in the development of morally and
socially sensitive consciences, which then facilitates them in becoming
upright adults who are able to successfully function in society and interact
with others.
An example of conscience is the personal ethics that
keep you from cheating on an exam.
Erroneous Concience

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