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History of egipt

Santiago Torrado A.
Juan Felipe Gonzales
David Santiago Aldana
Manuel Aleman L.
 Son of Thutmosis IV and of Mutemya, ruled Egypt during the period between
the years 1391 and 1353 a.C. With him Egypt experienced a period of
prosperity, mainly due to the absence of war, thanks to its policy of
marriages. He built a multitude of temples and monuments. Of note, the
Colossi of Memnon, which formed part of the temple of Amenofis III, the
hypostyle hall of Karnak, the temple of Luxor, its palace of Malqata, and
History of pyramids
This period begins under Dynasty III, the capital was established in
Memphis, and it is this dynasty, under the command of Pharaoh
Dyeser, where the Egyptians begin to erect those wonderful and
colossal constructions called Pyramids. At first it was thought that
these constructions were executed by slaves, but the last
investigations, has asserted that for the construction of the pyramids,
was contracted to salaried peasants. The first architect known to
have been Imhotep, was responsible for the design of the first step
pyramid and the oldest, located in Sakkara, was commissioned by
Pharaoh Djoser, approximately in 2750 BC.

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