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Case Study

acute pacreatitis
 65 female , married
Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory
 According to the patient’s SO, both his
process with variable involvement of adjacent
and remove organs. Although pancreatic maternal and paternal have a history
function and structure eventually return to Hypertension and Kidney Problem: Polycystic
normal, the risk of recurrent attacks is nearly Kidney.
50% unless the precipitating cause is removed.
Initial manifestations and exacerbations of  The patient is the 4th among 6 siblings. She
chronic pancreatitis may be indistinguishable is living with 7 other family members. His
from attacks of acute pancreatitis. And they
spouse is unemployed and so was she. They
should be treated as such. The inflammation
begins in the perilobular and peripancreatic are only financially supported with their
fatty tissue, manifested by edema and spotty children who are working..
fat necrosis. The disease may progress to the
peripheral acinar cells, pancreatic ducts, blood
vessels, and bordering organs. In severe
cases; patchy areas of the pancreatic
parenchyma become necrotic.

Population Intervention Control Outcome Time

pt. with ACUTE scorpion fpr futher study improvement for the
Pancreatitis treatment

Concept Mapping
 65 yo female admitted to severe abdominal pain
 family history of Hypertension and Kidney Problem: Polycystic Kidney.
 Labs: Showed amylase serum lipase A marked increase (more than three
times the upper limit of normal) in the level strongly suggests acute
 Ultrasonography (Pancreas) showed An enlarged pancreas with decreased
echogenicity and distinct borders ,Alterations in the size, contour and
parenchymal texture of the pancreas
 Ultrasonography (Gallbladder & Biliary system) gallstones within gallbladder
lumen or the biliary system
 Abdominal X-ray The size, shape, or location of the bladder or kidneys may be
abnormal. Kidney stones may be seen in the kidney, ureters, bladder, or
 Abnormal growths, such as large tumors, or ascites may be seen
 Computed tomography scan (pancreas)Changes in the pancreatic size and
shape suggests carcinoma and pseudocysts.
 Treatment: Rx:-Metoclopromide (Plasil) Omeprazole ( Omepron) 40mg
Metronidazole 500mg Amikacin ( Konmalin) 500mg Calcibloc 5mg 3
amylase serum lipase

(Gallbladder & Biliary
system) Computed Metoclopromide
tomography scan omeprazole40mg ,
metronidazole 500mg

calcibloc 5mg

Case exemplar



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