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Diseases of the sensory
perception system :
Color Blindness
Acute Otitis Media (AOM)
Assessment Conjunctivitis
1. General Data

Name, age, gender, ethnicity / nation, religion, education,

occupation, marital status, address, person in charge.

2. Medical history

1. Current Medical History.

Main Complaints: Pain, feeling like there is sand in the eyes, itching,
heat and redness around the eyes, eye epipora and secretions, a lot
comes out especially in the conjunctiva, purulent / Gonoblenorroe.
Nature of Complaints: Complaints are continuous; things that can
aggravate complaints, inflamed and pervasive regional pain, when
complaints arise during the day and night, complaints arise during
Accompanying Complaints: Does the view become blurred
especially in the Gonoblenorroe case.
2. Past Medical History.
Clients have suffered the same disease, eye trauma, drug allergies,
history of eye surgery.
3. Family Health History.
In families there are people with infectious diseases (conjunctivitis).

3. Pemeriksaan Fisik

Focus Data:
Objective: VOS and VOD less than 6/6. Red eye, conjunctival edema,
epipora, many secretions come out especially in purulent
conjunctivitis (Gonoblenorroe).
Subjective: Pain, feeling like there is sand in the eyes, itching, heat.
Bacteria (pneumococcus, staphycoccus aureus)
Pathway of Virus (adenovirus, herpes zoster)
Conjunctivitis Allergen

Direct or indirect contact irritant (chemical material)

Injury to the conjunctival epithelum Go into saccus conjunctival

Epithelium swelling, Epithelium


Conjunctival stroma Follicular formation

Follicular development


Dilated blood vessels in the posterior

Infect the tear glands

Conjunctival hyperemia Hypersecretion

Scratched sensation, itchy, Swelling Increased intra-carnial pressure
hot, foreign body sensation

DX. Risk of infection Blocked tear ducts

Release of chemical mediators

Neuropathic response to the Optic nerve ishemia


Corneal ulcer

DX. Acute pain

Blurred vision

DX. Sensory perception

Assessment Color Blindness
1. Kaji Data Umum

Name, age, gender, ethnicity / nation, religion, education,

occupation, marital status, address, person in charge.

2. Medical history

Main complaint
The main complaint of clients with color blindness is wrong in
interpreting certain colors they see.
1. Current Medical History
the client cannot and has difficulty distinguishing the particular color
he sees.
2. History of previous illnesses
Color blindness can also be caused by diseases in macular
abnormalities (central retinitis and central macular degeneration), as
well as the optic nerve.
3. Family history
The cause of color blindness that often occurs is due to hereditary or
congenital factors.

3. Pemeriksaan Fisik

a. Tes penglihatan warna: uji ishihara, anak tidak bisa membaca

warna dengan benar
b. Pemeriksaan tajam penglihatan (visus dasar)
c. Pemeriksaan anatomik dilakukan dengan cara objektif
Inspeksi: perhatikan tanda-tanda nyata (adanya pembengkakan,
kemerahan dan tumor)
Palpasi: untuk menentukan adanya tumor, rasa sakit (nyeri tekan),
keadaan dan tahanan intra okuler.
d. Pemeriksaan Diagnostik
ERG : defisiensi salah satu sel kerucut
Oftalmoskop :Retina berwarna kuning-merah dengan bercak-
bercak hitam-coklat.
Pathway of Color blind, congenital, partial

Abnormalities in retinal
Hereditary, congenital The emergence of two genes
photoreceptor stimulation in
associated with color blindness

Vision defect
-Red Green
Cone cell dysfunction
- blue-green

CIS Aldehida A2 can't function
Monochromation, chromated, properly
trichromated anomalus
Cannot distinguish green and red

The wavelength of the light and

Protanomaly, deuteranomaly,
the reflection of the wavelength
Potential to interfere with of light cannot be absorbed by
surrounding activities the photo pigment properly

Cone cell dystrophy

Dx. Risk of injury
Electromagnetic waves received by
the pigment will not be continued Perception is disturbed
Men: XY: potentially affected by
with good stimulation at the color
color blindness
vision center in the brain
Woman: XX carrier - boy
Dx. Impaired perception

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