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Erogenous zone is an area of the human body

that has heightened sensitivity, which, when

simulated may create response such as
Oedipus Complex is the complex of emotions
aroused in a young child, typically around the
age of four, by an unconscious sexual desire for
the parents of opposite sex and wish to exclude
the parent of the same sex. (for boys)
Electra Complex is for girls (baby girl to father)
“Healthychildren willnot fearlife if their eldershaveintegrity enoughnot
to feardeath”
Zone of Proximal

“The teacher must orient his work not on yesterday’s development in the child but on
Lev Vygotsky’s ZPD is the
difference between what a learner
can do without a help and what he
or she can do with help.
Scaffolding is a temporary support
given to the student during the
time of their learning. (Jerome
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Systems Theory
The varied system of the
environment and
interrelationships among
the system shapes the
child’s development

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