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The Functions and

Elements of Culture
Elbernezer Andrew
Learning Outcome

 To outline the functions of culture.

 To Know and Understand the elements of culture
The Functions of Culture

 It enables us to communicate with others through language.

 It makes it possible to anticipate how others in our society are likely to
respond to our actions.
 It gives us standards for distinguishing between things that are right and
wrong. (norms), Beautiful and unpleasant ( values), reasonable and
 It provides methods for training children to behave in certain ways generally
considered appropriate in society( socialization.
 Culture provides the knowledge and skills necessary for meeting sustenance
needs .
Elements of culture

 Beliefs
 Values
 Norms
 Taboos
 Symbols
 Language
 Rituals

 Are convictions and are usually based on values, scientific facts, religion,
superstition, or past experiences. For example, Christianity is one of our
major beliefs system here in the Caribbean.
Give some examples of beliefs we have here in the Caribbean.

 Commonly held standards within society that dictate what is regarded as being of
worth and what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
 Ideas that are considered as good, correct, proper, worthwhile and desirable.
They not only represent things that give meaning about which human beings feel
certain but also the ideas that make such things so important that humans are
willing to fight, work, give up something of their own for the exchange for them.
 They set standards of a given society
 They influence our social conduct and how we go about our daily lives. E.g. in the
Caribbean, having a secondary education is highly valued by members of a society.
 Example of Values: the right to personal property is upheld as a value in the
 What are some examples of Values in the Caribbean?

 They are rules that govern social action.

 They determine all the behaviours that the majority of the of the people in
society consider to be proper right and customary.
 They ensure that all forms of behaviours are standardized in society.
 Types of Norms.
 Folkways: are convectional practices that are socially appropriate. E.g. men
opening the door for women. An individual would not be punished if he or she
does not part take in such activities.
Norms Cont’d

 Mores: are important for the survival of any society as they established what
is right or wrong and what is moral and immoral. Failure to adhere to mores
can result in strong sanctions. Member must always part take to mores. To
illustrate, standing attention for the playing of the national anthem. If an
individual is not standing attention whilst the national anthem is playing, he
or she can be punished. When mores are formalized, they become laws.
 Laws: are mores that are formalized in a society through the legislative
process. They are the rules of conduct established and enforced by those in
authority in a particular community.
 Customs: are those norms that have been in existence and have been
practised by the members of a society over a protracted period of time.

 something that's forbidden for religious or social reasons.

 a vehement prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behavior is
either too sacred or too accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake. Such
prohibitions are present in virtually all societies.
 Examples of Taboo:
 Eating pork is considered to a taboo because pig is considered to be unclean.
 Sex
 Homosexuality
List some examples of Taboo

 It is defined as a set of symbols that express ideas and allow people to think
and communicate with each other. It can be verbal or non- verbal. In the
Caribbean, one can be identify by his or her language and this is due to our
complex history.
Characteristics of culture

 Culture satisfies human needs in a particular way

 All cultures work to meet the fundamental needs of all human beings. E.g. All
societies have different ways of obtaining food; farming, ( hunting and gathering )
– traditional society and Agriculture.
 Grenada - farm, buy, import, and pass by a neighbor
 Human beings have different ways of obtaining shelter. How do we obtain shelter?
 Buy a house, rent, build.

 Every culture also has family, relationships, economic and governmental systems
and forms of one’s artistic creative expression
 Each culture shapes the way its members satisfy their human need. Culture
teaches people what, how, where people eat.

 Thompson, K, Downer, M, St. John, A, and Hunte, Eartha.(2017) CAPE

Revision Guide: Caribbean Studies; Harper Collins Publishers, ltd: London
Bridge Street.
 What does Taboo mean: Definition and Examples. Retrieved September 26,
2017 from:

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