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Air pollution-

Air pollutants
Types of air pollutants
• Natural
• Man-made
Depending upon origin air pollutants are
 Primary air pollutant: they directly emitted from
the source in a harmful form.
(E.g) ashes from volcanic eruption, CO gas
from automobile exhaust, so2 from factories

 Secondary air pollutant: they form in the air

when primary pollutants react or interact.
(Eg.) photochemical smog, PAN
Major primary pollutants
• SO2- from volcanoes, industrial processes,
ore extraction and purification
• Combine with h2o =h2so4 formed
• Effects- respiratory problems, eye problems,
heart and circulatory problems
• Acid rain- destruction of properties, trees,
water systems
• NO2 – Brown and visible harmful pollutant
• Sources –released from burning of fossil fuels in car
engines, airplane engines, factories, power plant
• Effects- with other agents to form nitric acid- acid rain.
• Respiratory problems, cancers and other lung problems
• Nitric acid- plants, animals, problems in water system.
• CO- colorless, odorless, non-irritating, poisonous gas.
• Sources- incomplete combustion of fuels, vehicular
exhaust, cigarette smoking, incinerators
• Effects- contribute very dangerous ground level air and
ozone conditions.
• CO2- Sources- natural gas in the atmosphere
• Effect- global warming.
• VOC – CH4 green house gas contribute global
• NMVOC –aromatic compounds benzene,toluene and
xylene –carcinogens lead to leukemia.
• Toxic metals -lead, cadmium, copper
• Sources- metal processing plants, release of waste
from incineration process
• Effect- contaminating air, soil, water damage flora and
• Particulate matter( aerosols)- fine solid
or liquid suspended in gas
• Sources- naturally volcanic eruption, forest fires, fossil
fuel burning, power plants, industrial processes
• Effects –heart diseases, lung function altered, lung
• Odours- from garbage, sewage and industrial
• Radioactive pollutants- nuclear explosions,
natural processes like radioactive decay of radon.
• Secondary pollutants:
Photochemical smog – smoke +fog =smog
• Smog + sunlight =photochemical smog
• Effect- reduces visibility, causes irritations,
damage crops.
PAN- photochemical smog + hydro carbons+
oxidants COx & NOx in presence of sunlight =
Gaseous pollutants
• Pollutants CO,SO2, NO,NO2 –Inorganic pollutants (indoor air pollution)
Sources – by products of combustion of the fuel used in appliances
• Tobacco products ,Wood burning, Fireplaces
• Furnaces, Gas stoves, ovens
Effects- respiration affected concentration level upto 15000ppm
• Above 30000 ppm causes headaches, dizziness, nausea
• CO combines with hemoglobin stop supply of oxygen to tissues affecting brain, muscle tissues.
• NO2 causes cough, breathlessness, irritation, nausea, vomiting

Control – major contributors are wood burning stoves removal of them reduces
• Replace wood burning stoves by oil or fired furnaces, using gas and kerosene
• Regular maintanence of burner
• Hood installed over cooking place is another local ventilation method
• Using adsorption and absorption techniques
Effects of air pollution on human beings
• Head aches, nausea, allergic problems
• Short term air pollution – asthma and emphysema
• Long –term- chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease,
damage to the brain, nerves, liver, kidneys
• NO2 enter to human body during breathing. Highconc. Causes respiratory
diseases, long exposure causes decrement in lung functions.
• Co level about 5 percent cause cardiovascular effect in young, fatique and
reduced ability to work.
• High co conc. Causes reduction in birth weight, cardio megaley, infant
death,liver, kidney, immune capacity and spleen.
• Ozone causes nose and throat irritation, chest discomfort, cough and
headache rapidly reacts with tissues and lining of lungs.
• Lead affects development of brain, lack of intelligence, behavioural
problems, decreased ability to concentrate
• During lactation lead Process placenta and detected in breast milk.which
causes neurological problem to developing child.
• Very high level leads to gastro-intestinal problems and liver damage
Effects on materials and vegetation
• PM- in electrical contacts interferes their function,
accelerate corrosion, reduces wear and abrasive effect
• So2&no2-accelrate corrosion of steel and metals, fabric
discoloration and fading.
• So2 –enters leaf through stomata.
• Excessive exposure causes ivory colour, brown to
reddish spots depending on plant and conditions.
• Ozone- high conc. Causes dark brown to black on upper
surface of leaves
• Excessive SPM retards the growth of plants
• Automobile exhaust smoke damage lower surface of
Effects of pollution on animals
In two ways affected
Affects their habitat- acid rain change chemistry of soil
and quality of water
Mixing of heavy metals toxic to animals including fishes
Smog, pm, ground level ozone affect wildlife health
including lungs and cardiovascular systems
Affects quality and availability of food
Poison wildlife through disruption of endocrine function,
organ injury, lower reproductivity, death
Affect the dependence animals
Insect- duck
Loss of fish - eagles, ospreys

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