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Use Contemporary Language

• Using outdated expressions will give

your message a dull, stuffy, unnatural
Expressions Improvement

As per your request As you requested

Very truly yours Sincerely

• Clichés or overused expressions are
common in our everyday
conversations and in business

Cliché Improvement
Pushed (or stretched) Took a risk or considered
the envelope a new option

That sucks! That’s unacceptable/

needs improvement
• Eliminating profanity is another
important way you must adapt your
language for communicating
Use Simple, Informal Words

• Business writers prefer simple,

informal words that are readily
understood and less distracting than
more difficult, formal words.
Formal Words Informal Words
terminate end
procure get
remunerate pay
• Jargon, specialized terminology that
professionals in some fields use when
communicating with colleagues in the
same field.

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