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We are from group 8 :

Aulia Rahmi Melati Pratiwi ( 20180520310)

Adya Yanuar Ramadhan (20180520285)
Anjas Rizky Pratama (20180520296)
Nur Mala Sari (20180520309)
Aufa Mayka Triatmaja (20180520289)
• Indonesia is currently facing the era of globalization where the public is
very open in accepting changes or 'input' in the form of both foreign
cultural traditions that are so easily accepted by our society, such as music,
dance, dress style, even the way we eat the society imitates through
foreign films Technology is an important means of how globalization can be
comprehensive throughout the world, for example through social media,
we can know something that is 'trending' outside the country, then applied
to our country, emulated or imitated by our society. That is the biggest
factor in the threat of Indonesian culture, because the positive and
negative values ​of the impact of globalization itself return to us as a
society, especially the people of Indonesia, filtering, sorting, judging, what
positive values ​can be applied in our country without changing our culture.

• In contrast to Indonesians who have lived abroad for a long time, they
will feel proud if they are fluent in foreign languages. That is why we
as citizens of Indonesia play an important role in preserving this
Indonesian culture. Our important role to preserve the culture and
literature that we have is by:
• - Bringing national language and culture into culture and language
that deserves to be an international language and culture.
• - Parents also have a very important role to play in teaching their
culture and literature in Indonesia to their children.
• - Filter foreign cultures that enter and take positive things that can
advance Indonesian culture and literature. Instill a sense of love for
the homeland. Make regional arts and culture as one of the substance
or learning material in one subject or subject.
• - A group or several people who have a high sense of nationalism and
highly uphold Indonesian culture make movements such as
organizations or communities that care about Indonesian culture at
the University there is an organization of traditional Indonesian dance
studios as an effort to educate students about understanding
Indonesian culture.
• Question :
• "According to your father or mother, can foreign cultures (KPOP and Hollywood) be a
threat to our Indonesian culture?"
• Miss Lita: "I think yes, because for example my cousin who likes kpop, he is focused
on learning all about Korean culture, he always listens to music from Korea, learns
the dance, watches Korean dramas, so he enjoys and learns Korean culture everyday,
even language, sometimes interfering when speaking, he has no time and care to
learn more in our culture, we should be young people, we must preserve our culture,
if we just don't care, then who will learn and care about our culture yourself, don't
get extinct "
• Mr. Rudy: "yes, it is true, that foreign cultures can threaten the existence of our
culture, society, especially religion, focus on the flow of external culture, and forget
about our culture that must be learned so that it remains. foreign culture, without
filtering it out, whether it is in accordance with the habits of our society or not, then
it creates a negative impact for our own country. It is very unfortunate this
phenomenon is happening in our country.
• Mr. Deny: "I think it could be because foreign cultures are very much followed by
teenagers today even many Indonesian teenagers who follow a foreign style until
someone forgets it, in my opinion it is a threat to Indonesian culture."
The role of the government in overcoming cultural
threats and preserving Indonesian culture
• at this time culture is one of the important things besides defense, politics,
food, social, economy, idilogi is no exception Indonesian nation has many
cultures. The Need for Increasing Cultural Resilience Since independence,
the Indonesian state has not escaped the turmoil and threats that
endanger the nation's survival. But the Indonesian nation was able to
maintain its independence and sovereignty from Dutch aggression and was
able to uphold the authority of the government from the separatist
movement. Judging from geopolitics and geostrategy with the geographical
position, natural resources and the number and ability of the population
has placed Indonesia into a place of competition and the struggle for
influence between major countries. This directly or indirectly has a
negative impact on all aspects of life so that it can affect and endanger the
survival and existence of the NKRI.

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