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Vitra Fire Station

Architect : Zaha Hadid

Location : Weil am Rhein, Germany
Project Year : 1993
Category : Fire Station / Museum

• I Gusti Ayu Seskiara Viveka Hani 08111840000074
Thinking Styles
Learning how to do architectural design is learning how to think.
Although being smart doesn’t necessarily make a good design, thinking here mean becoming skilled at
applying particular styles of thinking.
Most people will find one approach of thinking style easier than another, thus give us a different options
or conclusion.

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Divergent thinking Convergent thinking
Divergent thinking uses Convergent thinking
exploratory techniques to analyses facts to make a
investigates possibilities. result or decision.
Hadid is famous by pushing boundaries and defying rules of conceiving space, design, and
architectural convention. Hadid is a good observer of art, nature, and architecture and the
effective surrounding aspects. Her eagerness to search for the sources of their aesthetics and key
factors of attracting people to them qualified her to develop her own techniques. By using such
techniques, she design unprecedented set of works characterized by uniques and creativity.

Hadid’s self-developed techniques qualified her to produce extraordinary works due to being
a mixture of liberation and logic; rational and irrational; strangeness and harmony. The roots
of these techniques have been learnt from different domains, cultures, and countries and this
interprets the familiarity of her architecture at the global level

AbdUllah, A., Said, I.B., Ossen, D. (2013). Zaha Hadid’s Techniques of Architectural
Form-Making. Doi : 10.12966/ojad.11.01.2013

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