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Presented by
Capt Imran Hossain
101 Fd Amb
• Any member of the combat forces who becomes unfit to
perform his duty in the field due to injury or sickness is a
impediment to the efficiency of the forces and his presence
among the fighting troops tends to lower their morale. He
must therefore , be removed as speedily as possible to some
other place where he can be properly treated and restored
physically or otherwise disposed of according to the nature of
his wounds or disability . An efficient med sp plan which is
organized and administered greatly affects the combat
strength , mobility and morale of the Army.

• To provide med sp to the depl units incl the paramil and aux
forces during war with own resources and ut of 20% of civ
resources by arranging rapid collection, treatment and evac of
cas from FDL upto base hospital.

• Intimate med sp shall be provided to the depl tps. Normal log

affiliation will be maint. Resources will be cen con by ADMS
who may carry out nec gp and regp to cater for med sp
outside normal log affiliation. Regp of resources may also be
nec to cope up with the varying intensity of battle at different
places .

• Fd Amb will be split up into MDS to provide med sp from

within DAA and ADS to provide med sp from within BAA or
fwd BAA.

• MST should provide support from as far fwd as poss. Plg for
hel evac should be catered for.

• Ut of 20% civ resources to augment own resources. Dist hosp,

UHCs, Med college will be used for CASEVAC. Union sub
centres can be turned into CAP, CCP or RAP.

• Students of med colleges may be planned to meet the reqr of

addl AMC pers

• 4 × FD AMB
• CMH Alikadam
• CMH Ramu
• BGB Hosp
• 1 × Medical College Hosp
• Other Civ Govt and Private medical institutes
101 FD AMB

• Estb one ADS to sp 02 inf Bde during all ph from the fwd BAA .

• All the paramil , aux and UWF affiliated with 02 inf Bde will
also get sp from 101 fd Amb

• Estb one MDS at DAA to sp 10 inf Div and DAA tps and paramil
and aux forces.

• MST will be attached to MDS to perform surg cases and also

provide support as fwd as possible spl during the launching of
Res an 97 Inf Bde gp.
1 × FD AMB

• EStb one ADS in the BAA of 165 Inf Bde to sp it through all ph.

• It also provide sp to TF-A and TF-B

1 × FD AMB

• EStb one ADS in the DAA loc and provide sp to 97 inf Bde also
to Res-1 and Res-2.

• All the paramil , aux , small gp & UWF gp affiliated with 97 inf
Bde will also get sp from this fd Amb .
CMH Alikadam

• Remain at loc.

• Act as Adv base Hosp.

• Evac of the critical pt to CMH RAMU or Cox’s Bazar Medical

College Hosp.

• Remain at present loc.

• Act as Adv Base Hosp.

• Provide sp to the div static units incl the rfts.

Cox's Bazar Medical College
• Act as Base Hosp.

• Treat cas occurring within immediate vicinity and beyond the

capabilities of CMH RAMU.

• Augment the capabilities of the Hosp to hold and treat critical


• 13 Upazilla Health Complexes with minor OT cap which can be

act as MDS by augmentations of cap.

• Union sub centres and community clinics can be turned into


• There are 20 other private hosp which also can provide adv
med care .
Coord Instrs
Evac Policy

• Patients reqr treatment for less than 24 hr to be held by ADS.

• MDS may hold patients max for 72 hr.
• Base Hosp at COX'S BAZAR can hold patients for max 7-10 day.
• Patients reqr treatment for more than 10 days to be evac to
CMH CTG or CMH DHAKA. Critically injured also may be flown
by air dir from RAMU and COX'S BAZAR Airfds to CMH CTG or
• Fd Amb are to coord with the civ surgeons to requisition civ
amb cars when needed.
Coord Instrs
Blood Collection

• CO Fd Amb are resp to coord with the civ surgeons to collect

blood. All blood bank vehs are to be maint at the level of 70%
at all times. Blood is to be collected proportionately basing on
the blood gp of the sldrs of bdes/TF.

• Locals should also be motivated to donate blood.

Coord Instrs
Med Stores

• Adequate med stores are to be stocked by fd ambs.

• Subsequent replen from AFMSD through Base Hosp and CMH

• A lump of amount would be given to CO Fd Amb to purchase
life saving drugs from the local stores.
Coord Instrs
Sy of Instls

• All instls to remain prep to defeat level I threat. Coord with DQ

and ADOS for sy against levels II and III threat in the Fwd BAA
and DAA respectively.

• CO Fd Ambs to coloc themselves with MDSs of respective Fd


• Main HQ 10 inf Div opens at …. at 1000 hrs ….

• HQ DAA opens at ….. at ……….

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