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Traditional electricity production can use

thousands of litres of water each
year. Generating power through solar
panels, however, uses no water
whatsoever. The operation of solar
photovoltaic cells doesn’t require water at
all to generate electricity, reducing the
strain on this precious resource

Generating electricity from solar panels

produce no harmful emissions, and the more
homes and businesses that rely on solar
power means less toxic emissions from fossil
fuels into our air.

Generating electricity from solar panels produce no

greenhouse gases whatsoever, and so can help to
reduce the effect of climate change if used
widely. With solar energy powering a home or
business, there is no burning of fuel and no
emissions from energy production.

One obvious way that technology is

helping the ecology of the planet is by
reducing the need for paper. With the
ever increasing use of email and
electronic communication, paperless
offices are now a common occurrence in
companies. Reducing the need for paper
in turn reduces the demand for logging
and deforestation.

Another example is the replacement of laser

printers with multifunctional devices.
Multifunctional devices usually include a
printer, fax machine and photocopier all in
one system. Not only does this save space,
it also saves the amount of electronic
hardware that is permanently on hold in an
office, and for the planet it saves electricity.

• An electric car is an automobile that is

propelled by one or more electric
motors, using energy stored in
rechargeable batteries. Thanks to them,
cars with internal combustion engine
will no longer be so popular, so it will
not need fuel, but if it is not fuel it is not
polluting oxygen.

Austin’s technology company named

Hypergiant Industries developed a device
called the Eos Bioreactor. His work is
based on the ability of algae to absorb
carbon dioxide 400 times more efficiently
than trees. The bioreactor is able to
produce up to 2 tons of oxygen per year
which is similar to the development of
forests growing on an area of 0.4 hectares.
The device is controlled by AI that
optimizes the growth of algae and their
absorption of carbon dioxide.
The Hypergiant Industries states that the single-celled algae demonstrates impressive efficiency due to it’s ability to
multiply rapidly while absorbing carbon dioxide being exposed to sunlight. They can grow anywhere, needing a
minimum of nutrients.

The positive effect on the environment is simply to

imagine. Most countries gasp in carbon dioxide that
affects not only people, but animals too. The
polluted air causes diseases and damage the
environment by poisoning soil and water. The
scientists mention that it can affect all type of
animals, including the water ones.

One of the key principles of the idea of "urban sustainability" is

local food production. If you start growing fruits, vegetables and
greens in cities, it will optimize supply and demand, reduce
harmful emissions, and reduce transportation costs. To some
extent, this will provide an opportunity to strengthen food
security.Micro farms seem to be the most practical from the
point of view of urban agriculture. The Lexicon of Food website
defines the term as " small-scale farming that can be organized
in a city or suburb on less than 2 acres of land."Micro farms use
small automatic modular equipment for growing food and can
be installed in almost any house or apartment.
The production of such farms was established by the
startup Babylon from Charlottesville,Virginia (USA).
The company sells equipment measuring 975 x 2,011
x 2,926 cm, which uses hydroponics-a method of
growing plants without soil, by immersing the roots
in water or nutrient solution. Depending on the
variety of seeds (in Babylon there are 227), the water
supply and lighting are regulated. As a result,
productivity per hectare is much higher than that of
traditional farms.

The most significant advantage of this type of farm is that we

will have no need to deforest hectares of growing trees just
to make a real farm. It will save a lot of plants and animals and
will reduce the pollution of air.

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