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 style of expressive dance that combines elements

of several dance genres including modern, jazz,

lyrical and classical ballet.
 Contemporary dancers strive to connect the mind
and the body through different qualities of
● Collapse: a sinking
movement involving the
release of tension;
disintegrate, shrink,
● Percussive: sharp, aggressive
● hit, whip, beat, chop, cut, strike.
● Suspended: movement that
creates the impression of
defying gravity;
● hang dangle, linger.
● Sustained: energy is released
equally in a smooth pattern;
● sailing drifting, wandering.
● Swing: tension held, then
released to move with gravity;
● wave, swoop, sway.
● Vibratory: rapidly repeated bursts
of percussive movements;
● tremble, shiver, flutter.

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