Chapter 03 Engineering Ethics

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Chapter 3-1

Engineer Ethics

Let’s take notes...

Vocabulary Words
2.1 Interaction Rules
 rules of acceptable personal behavior and courtesy
 e.g. proper dress, answering the phone, language,
talking about others

 a system of rules and punishments clearly defined
 e.g. legal driving age
 personal rules of right and wrong behavior
 e.g. derived from a person’s upbringing,
religious beliefs

 a code or system of rules defining moral
behavior for a particular society
Appendix B
Professional Engineers Code of Ethics
 Paraphrasing:

“Engineers do not lie, cheat or steal

and always have safety in mind.”
Case Study: Murder
 Legal?
 Moral?

 Ethical?

 Good Etiquette?

 Answers:
 Illegal
 Immoral
 Unethical
 Bad etiquette!
Get Clicker Ready

Case Study: Driving over the speed

limit when you are late for class
 Legal?
 Moral?

 Ethical?

 Good Etiquette?
Facilitator Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the

speed limit when you are late for
1. Yes
2. No
Recorder Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the

speed limit when you are late for
1. Yes
2. No
Gatekeeper Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the

speed limit when you are late for
1. Yes
2. No
Timekeeper Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the

speed limit when you are late for
Good Etiquette?
1. Yes
2. No
Case Study: Driving over the speed
limit when you are late for class
 Legal?
 Moral?

 Ethical?

 Good Etiquette?

 Answers:
 Illegal
 Moral to some, immoral to others
 Unethical
 Bad etiquette if it effects other drivers
Case Study: Driving over the speed
limit when you are having a baby.
 Legal?
 Moral?

 Ethical?

 Good Etiquette?
Facilitator Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the speed

limit when you are having a baby.
1. Yes
2. No
Recorder Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the speed

limit when you are having a baby.
1. Yes
2. No
Gatekeeper Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the speed

limit when you are having a baby.
1. Yes
2. No
Timekeeper Clicker

Case Study: Driving over the speed

limit when you are having a baby.
Good Etiquette?
1. Yes
2. No
Case Study: Driving over the speed
limit when you are having a baby.
 Legal?
 Moral?

 Ethical?

 Good Etiquette?

 Answers:
 Illegal
 Moral
 Ethical
 Etiquette does not apply
Example 2.1 (Team Exercise – Closed Book)
 A chemical company develops a new process that
has a waste by product.
 Their internal studies show this by-product is

 However, the by-product is not on a government

list of banned chemicals because it is new.

 Legal? Moral? TEAM DISCUSSION (1 minute)
 Answers:
 Legal but immoral
Example 2.3 (Team Exercise – Closed Book)
 Government self-regulations require that all
purchases be made through purchasing agents.
 An engineer wishes to purchase an old alternator

from a junkyard and does so with his own

 He reimburses himself with computer disks of
equivalent value.
 Legal? Moral? TEAM DISCUSSION (1 minute)
 Answers:
 Moral but illegal
Moral Theories

 Ethical Egoism
 A moral theory stating that an act is moral provided
you act in your enlighten self-interest

 Utilitarianism
 Moral activities are those that create the most good
for the most people

 Rights Analysis
 Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them
do unto you
Example 2.6.1 – Challenger Explosion
 Read section 2.6.1 in Chapter 2.

 Ethical Egoism
 A moral theory stating that an act is moral provided you act in
your enlighten self-interest

 Utilitarianism
 Moral activities are those that create the most good for the most

 Rights Analysis
 Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto
Chapter 3-2
Engineer Ethics
2.2 Settling Conflicts
A conflict is a result of a…
 Moral Issue
 if it can only be resolved by appealing to moral
 Conceptual Issue
 if the morality of an action is agreed upon, but
there is no written definition of the company rule
or law
 Application Issue
 if it is unclear if a act violates a written rule or law.
 Factual Issue
 if more data is needed.
Noise Complaint Example
Source of Sound Loudness (db)
Threshold of Hearing 0
Conversation 60
Ear Damage Begins 85
Amplified Music 110
Jet Airplane at 30 meters 140
Background Information (Handout)

City Ordinance: No sounds above

90 decibels after 10:00 PM.
You have a problem with your
neighbor making loud noises.
Identify the type of issue for these
 Case 1: You are angry about some loud
music coming from your neighbor’s party.
You both measured the loudness at 1:30AM.
You measured 100db and she measured 85
db. This leads to a heated discussion. What
type of issue lead to this conflict?

 Gatekeeper
A. Moral Issue
B. Conceptual Issue
C. Application Issue
D. Factual Issue
E. Gatekeeper is not in class
 Case 2: You and your neighbor Sam both
complain to the apartment manager about a
car alarms sounding too often in the
apartment complex. Every Saturday
afternoon you take a nap around noon after
working out in the gym. One Saturday Sam’s
car alarm wakes you up. You are upset by
this and go next door to discuss it with Sam.

 Facilitator
A. Moral Issue
B. Conceptual Issue
C. Application Issue
D. Factual Issue
E. Facilitator is not in class
 Case 3: Your neighbor plays music on
Halloween night at 11:30pm with a loudness
of 70 db. You are worried about that the
children in the neighborhood will be
“emotionally scarred” by the strange music
and call the police.

 Timekeeper
A. Moral Issue
B. Conceptual Issue
C. Application Issue
D. Factual Issue
E. Timekeeper is not in class
 Case 4: You live near a company that cleans
glass with ultrasound starting at midnight
when the workers are at home sleeping. The
ultrasound is 110db but is not audible. You
are bothered because it shakes the picture
frames in your home and go to the company
to complain.

 Recorder
A. Moral Issue
B. Conceptual Issue
C. Application Issue
D. Factual Issue
E. Recorder is not in class
 Case 5: You awake at 2:30 AM to find that
your neighbor has started a heavy metal
band. The music is 115db at your doorstep.
You go ask the band if they can play in the
daytime instead but the band refuses. What
type of issue lead to this conflict?

 Recorder
A. Moral Issue
B. Conceptual Issue
C. Application Issue
D. Factual Issue
E. Recorder is not in class

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