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Deyfan Satria Wibawa (161724005)
Bey Muhammad (161724004)
Febryan Kusuma (161724008)
M Facrul AA (161724014)
M Afta Syaifuddiin (161724015)
Rizzki Fahrijal (161724026)
Rachmat Iqbal (161724021)
Gauss-Seidel technique

The Gauss-Seidel (GS) method, also known as the method of successive displacement,
is the simplest iterative technique used to solve power flow problems. In general, GS
method follows the following iterative steps to reach the solution for the function f(x) =
■ Rearrange the function into the form x = g (x) to calculate the unknown variable.
■ Calculate the value g(x[0]) based on initial estimates x [0] .
■ Calculate the improved value x [1] = g( x [0] ) x1
■ Continue solving for improved values until the solution is within acceptable limit ∣ x
[k+1] – x ∣ ≤ ϵ
The rate of convergence can be improved using acceleration factors by modifying the
step size α.

In the context of a power flow problem, the unknown variables are voltages at all buses,
but the slack. Both voltage magnitudes and angles are unknown for load buses,
whereas voltage angles are unknown for regulated/generation buses.
The voltage Vi at bus i can be calculated using either equations:

where yij is the admittance between buses i and j, Yij is the Y-bus element, Pi sch the net
scheduled injected real power, Qi schQ isch is the net scheduled injected reactive
power, and Vi∗ is the conjugate of Vi. The net injected quantities are the sum of the
generation minus load. Typically, the initial estimates of Vi=1∠0°.
The iterative voltage equation is as follows:

Both real and reactive powers are scheduled for the load buses, and Eq. 6 is used to
determine both voltage magnitudes and angles ( |Vi| ∠ δi ) for every iteration ( Vi [k+1] ).
For regulated buses, only real power is scheduled. Therefore, net injected reactive power is
calculated based on the iterative voltages (Vi [k+1] ) using either equations

where |Vi| and |Vj| are the magnitudes of the voltage at buses ii and jj,
respectively. δi and δj are the associated angles. yij is the admittance between
buses i and j. |Yij| is the magnitude of the Y-bus element between the two buses; and θij is
the corresponding angle.
Since the voltage magnitude (|Vi|) is specified at regulated/PV buses, will be used to
determine the voltage angles only. To achieve this, two options can be used:
When using the polar form (|Vi|∠δi), discard the iterative voltage magnitude and keep the
iterative angle.
When using the rectangular form (Rei+jImi), discard the real part (Rei) and keep the
imaginary part (Imi) of the iterative voltage. The new real part (Reinew) can be calculated
from the specified magnitude (|Vi|) and the iterative imaginary part.

The iterative process stops when the voltage improvement reaches acceptable limits: ∣Vi [k+1]
–Vi [k] ∣ ≤ϵ

The picture above is a one line diagram of a simple 3 bus electric power system, with
generators on buses 1 and 2. Voltage on bus 1 is 1 + j0 per unit. The voltage on bus 2
is fixed, at 1.03 pu with a real generator power of 400 MW. A load of 500 MW and 350
MVAR is on bus 3. Admittance of the channel in the figure is per unit and based on 100
MVA. Line resistance and line charging acceptance are ignored. Find a power flow
solution using the Gauss Seidel Method

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