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At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

• Familiarize the history of mayonnaise
• Identify the health benefits of mayonnaise
• Prepare a homemade mayonnaise

• Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy sauce or dressing that is
made of oil, egg yolks, lemon juice or vinegar, and

• Mayonnaise is an emulsion
(which is a mixture of two liquids that normally can't be

What is a Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise was invented in 1756 by the French

chef of the Duke de Richelieu. After the Duke beat the
British at Port Mahon, his chef created a victory feast that
was to include a sauce made of cream and eggs. Realizing
that there was no cream in the kitchen, the chef substituted
olive oil for the cream and a new culinary creation was
born. The chef named the new sauce "Mahonnaise" in
honor of the Duke’s victory
1. Keep the Hair Healthy

For some people, they use mayonnaise as conditioner in

order to smoothen the hair and make the hair silky.
Applying the mayonnaise on the root of the hair will
strengthen the hair and it will make the hair look shiny and
2. Treat the Skin

According to the study of mayonnaise that it can even help

to treat the sunburn skin. Applying the mayonnaise on the
sunburn skin will make it soothing well. Mayonnaise is
trusted as the removal of the dead skin cells and it will work
when it is applied on feet chapped lips, elbow, and also
another rough skin.
3. Keep the Heart Healthy

There are many food which are very useful to keep the heart
healthy but this mayonnaise will be the best one. According
to medical research revealed that the vitamin E on
mayonnaise can effectively prevent the stroke. In the same
case mayonnaise contains omega-3 which is very good to
keep the heart healthy.
4. Keep the Skin Soft

As it is mentioned above that mayonnaise will help the skin

keep soft and it can be applied on skin especially face. It
will directly will effect to the soft skin and also make the
skin glowing and healthy. No need to spend much money to
nourish skin, it will be enough to use mayonnaise to get the
baby soft skin and healthy skin.
5. Control Sugar Level

Eating mayonnaise is not about tasty but it will lead to the

normal sugar level on blood. Mayonnaise is categorized as
the healthy food since it can normalize the blood sugar level
very well. The nutrition on mayonnaise contribute to keep
the blood sugar level normal.
7. Reduce Heart Attack

Another way of mayonnaise keeping the body healthy is

that it can reduce the heart attack. Its rich nutrients of
mayonnaise are really useful to reduce and prevent from
heart attack. The omega-3 fats of mayonnaise can reduce
the risk of sudden heart attack. According to the heart
health, eating mayonnaise will also help to reduct the heart
disorders among women.
8. Reduce the Strokes

The mayonnaise contains very great nutrients which are

very good to prevent the body from strokes especially the
vitamin E of mayonnaise can keep the strokes away. Thus to
keep the body from the stroke, it will be better to eat
correctly mayonnaise.
9. Treat the Depression

According to some studies revealed that the nutritions of

mayonnaise are very good to prevent depression. It will
help people to keep the mind fresh and keep the depression
10. Help in Absorbing the Nutrient

Almost people knows that mayonnaise contains high-fats in

which it can help to absorb the nutrients easily inside the
body. The nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K
and vitamin A are classified as the fat soluble and they will
be melt down together with fats contained on mayonnaise.
Thus, eating mayonnaise will help the body to absorb the
more nutrients easily.
Other health benefits:

• Keep the Lungs Healthy

• Prevent the Arthritis
• Treat the Colon Inflammation
• Help in Absorbing the Nutrient
• Help the Blood Circulation
• Strengthen the Nails
• Prevent the Head from Lice

• Makes about 1 cup
• 30 min

• 1 large egg yolk, at room temperature 30 minutes
• 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
• 3/4 cup olive or vegetable oil (or a combination), divided
• 1 teaspoon white-wine vinegar or cider vinegar
• 1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
• 1/4 teaspoon white pepper

• Whisk together yolk, mustard, and 1/4 teaspoon salt until combined well. Add about 1/4 cup oil
drop by drop, whisking constantly until mixture begins to thicken. Whisk in vinegar and lemon
juice, then add remaining 1/2 cup oil in a very slow, thin stream, whisking constantly until well
blended. If at any time it appears that oil is not being incorporated, stop adding oil and whisk
mixture vigorously until smooth, then continue adding oil. Whisk in salt to taste and white
pepper. Chill, surface covered with plastic wrap, until ready to use.
• Identify the different kinds of Salads.
• Differentiate each one of them.


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