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Celiac Disease

Prepared by: Candice Cleotilde O. Marchan

What is Celiac Disease

History of Celiac Disease

CONTENTS Signs and Symptoms


How to prevent Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a serious, genetic autoimmune disorder triggered by
consuming a protein called gluten, which is found in wheat, barley
and rye. When a person with celiac eats gluten, the protein
interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food by damaging a
part of the small intestine called villi.

Celiac Disease Can Develop at Any Age. Sept 27, 2010 -- New research
shows that you can develop celiac disease at any age -- even if you
previously tested negative for this autoimmune intestinal disorder. ...
Symptoms of celiac disease include abdominal cramps, constipation,
diarrhea, and many more.
• What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac Disease occurs Celiac disease

Celiac disease is a
in genetically becomes active after
serious autoimmune
predisposed people surgery, pregnancy,
where the ingestion of childbirth, viral
gluten leads to damage infection or severe
in the small intestine. emotional stress.
When people with
celiac disease eat
gluten (a protein found
in wheat, rye and
barley), their body
mounts an immune
response that attacks
the small intestine.
• History of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease was identified and named. A clever Greek

physician named Aretaeus of Cappadocia, living in the
first century AD, wrote about “The Coeliac Affection.” In
fact, he named it “koiliakos” after the Greek word
“koelia” (abdomen).

The highest prevalence rate of celiac disease so far

worldwide has been reported in North Africa. There is
evidence that the prevalence rates of celiac disease in parts
of North India are comparable to those in the West; celiac
disease has also been reported among South Asian
immigrants in the United Kingdom
• Symptoms & Signs

1. Diarrhea 2. Bloating 3. Gas

Diarrhea is one of the most common Patients with celiac disease often report Studies show that gas is one of the most common
symptoms of celiac disease. Treatment can bloating. Interestingly, gluten may also cause symptoms of untreated celiac disease, though note
reduce and resolve diarrhea within a few bloating for individuals without celiac that gas can be caused by many other conditions,
days to a few weeks. disease. as well..

4. Fatigue 5. Weight Loss 6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Fatigue is a common issue for those with celiac Many people with celiac disease experience Celiac disease can impair nutrient absorption,
disease. Studies show that those with celiac unexplained weight loss. However, following a which may lead to iron-deficiency anemia.
disease are more likely to have sleep disorders gluten-free diet typically helps people increase their Nevertheless, there are several other potential
and nutritional deficiencies, which may body weight. causes of iron-deficiency anemia, as well.
contribute to the problem.

7. Constipation 8. Depression 9. Itchy Rash

Celiac disease may cause the small intestine to Celiac disease is associated with an increased risk Celiac disease can cause a type of itchy skin rash.
absorb moisture from the stool, resulting in of depression. However, following a long-term Many celiac patients who develop this rash don’t
constipation. Additionally, a gluten-free diet may gluten-free diet may decrease the risk of experience any gastrointestinal symptoms.
decrease fiber intake and can cause constipation. depression.
Celiac Disease
• Medication

The only treatment for celiac

Medications to control intestinal
disease is to follow a gluten-free
diet—that is, to avoid all foods
Steroids can ease severe signs and
that contain gluten. For most
symptoms of celiac disease while
people, following this diet will
the intestine heals. Other drugs,
stop symptoms, heal existing
such as azathioprine (Azasan,
intestinal damage, and prevent
Imuran) or budesonide (Entocort EC,
further damage. Improvements
Uceris), might be used.
begin within weeks of starting the
Celiac disease has no cure but can be
Nexvax2 is a therapeutic vaccine managed by avoiding all sources of gluten.
designed to stimulate immune Once gluten is eliminated from your diet,
tolerance in patients with celiac your small intestine can begin to heal. ... But
disease. Nexvax2® is the sole those who have celiac disease need to
therapeutic approach for celiac completely eliminate gluten from their diet,
disease in clinical development today because even small amounts can continue to
that aims to mitigate the loss of damage the small intestine.
immune tolerance to gluten.
• How to Prevent Celiac Disease

The only way to

manage the symptoms
Celiac disease has no of celiac disease is to
cure but can be eat a strict gluten-free
managed by avoiding diet. Eating foods
without gluten lets
Like what Doctors said, all sources of gluten.
your small intestine
Once gluten is
there is still no cure for eliminated from your heal, and stops future
problems and
Celiac Disease and maybe diet, your small
intestine can begin to inflammation.
there will be no cure, but heal. ... But those who
have celiac disease
here are some tips to need to completely
manage the Disease eliminate gluten from
their diet, because
even small amounts
can continue to Avoid any foods made
damage the small with wheat and wheat
intestine. flour.
Biotechnology 8

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