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Chapter 2:

 Know the interrelationship between heredity and the
environment in human growth and development
 Appreciate the significance of prenatal development to
post-natal development
 Identify the different aspects of development
 State and explain the principles of heredity
 Explain the different types of genetic engineering
 Understand the different stages of development the
developmental tasks that an individual will pass through.

Chapter 2: Human Development

Heredity and Environment
2 Factors of Development
1. Nature – Heredity – process whereby
traits of parents are handed down to
their offspring via the genes.
2. Nurture – Environment – all forces
that affect man, like physical forces,
natural forces and social forces

Chapter 2: Human Development

 1. Cephalocaudal Principle – the
direction of development is from head
downward. The child must learn to control
and carry his head before he can stretch his
arms and legs.
2. Proximodistal principle-
development starts at the center of the body

Chapter 2: Human Development

 -Cognitive process starts from simple to

 -Development depends on maturation. &


Chapter 2: Human Development

Mechanics of Heredity
 Before the human being is to be conceived,
an egg cell or ovum from the mother must
be fertilized by the sperm cell from the
 Upon fertilization there is a share of
equal amount of heredity to the new
 23 chromosomes from sperm cell will
pair up with the 23 chromosomes from
the egg cell to form 46 chromosomes
needed by a new human being.
Chapter 2: Human Development
Mechanics of Heredity

 Chromosomes – a thread-like or rope-like

bodies that contain the genes, they are usually
found in pairs.
1. Autosomes – Trait Chromosomes
 Dominant Genes – Strong genes
 Recessive Genes – Weak genes
2. Gonosomes – Sex Chromosomes
 XX Girl & XY Boy

Chapter 2: Human Development

Hereditary Characteristics
 Physical traits – appearance like facial expression,
complexion, height, and body built
 Physical Defects – cleft-palate, stub-finger
 Physical Diseases – predisposition to
tuberculosis, asthma, and hypertension
 Mental traits – examples are I.Q. level, cases of
mental retardation, and predisposition to mental
 Special talents/abilities – like artistic, literary,
athletic, musical, numerical talents

Chapter 2: Human Development

Multiple Births
1. Identical or Monozygotic twins
2. Non-identical or Fraternal or Dizygotic twins

Chapter 2: Human Development

Genetic/Biological Engineering
 In-vitro fertilization
 Artificial Insemination by a Donor (AID)
 Surrogate motherhood

Chapter 2: Human Development

Chapter 2: Human Development
Chapter 2: Human Development

Chapter 2: Human Development

Stages /Periods of Development
1. Pre-natal Stage
1. Germinal Stage – first two weeks after fertilization; the
zygote travels at the Fallopian tube then attaches itself
the wall of the uterus.
 Placenta provides the zygote with nourishment and begins to
 Umbilical cord carries nourishment to the zygote and waste
from the placenta.

Chapter 2: Human Development

8 week embryo
Stages of Development

2. Embryonic Stage – 2nd to 8th week after

conception; zygote is about 1inch long which is
now called embryo
 Amniotic Sac or Fluid-filled sac –
surrounds the embryo to serve as protection
and provide a constant atmosphere
3. Fetal Stage – 8th week until birth – fetus
 Muscles and bones form; vital organs continue
to grow and begin to function.
 Brain develops during the last 3 months.

Chapter 2: Human Development

Types of Birth
1. Natural or Spontaneous Birth
2. Instrument Birth
3. Breech Birth
4. Transverse Presentation Birth
5. Cesarean-Section Birth

Chapter 2: Human Development

Things to remember:
 1. Hereditary endowment is already fixed.
 2. Sex is fixed.
 3. Mothers favorable condition can foster development
while unfavorable condition an hamper development
 4. Rapid growth and development happens during his
 5. This is a time of many physical and psychological
 6. The time when significant people form attitudes
towards the new individual. The treatment of people
marks influence to the new individual.
Chapter 2: Human Development
Stages of Development
2. Infancy Period – from birth to two weeks
2 Periods
1. Period of the Partunate
 First 15 to 20 minutes after birth
 Once the umbilical cord is cut
2. Period of Neonate
 Covers the rest of the infancy period
 21st minute up to two weeks
 Usually ends with the falling off of the umbilical

Chapter 2: Human Development

Stages of Development
Four major adjustments involved
during infancy stage:
1. Adjustment to Temperature Changes
2. Adjustment to Breathing
3. Adjustment to Taking Nourishment
4. Adjustment to Elimination

Chapter 2: Human Development

 1. Unfavorable prenatal environment (vices of parents,
maternal stress)
 2. Difficult and complicated birth
 3.Multiple birth
 4. Postmaturity
 5. Prematurity
 6. Infant Mortality/Neonatal death

Chapter 2: Human Development

Stages of Development
3. Babyhood Period – second week of infancy up to 2nd
year of life, the true foundation age,

 Reflex reactions:
 Breathing Reflex
 Sucking Reflex
 Rooting Reflex
 Babinski Reflex
 Darwinian/Grasping Reflex
 Moro or Startle Reflex
 Eyeblink Reflex
 Pupillary Reflex
 Swimming Reflex

Chapter 2: Human Development

Hazards in Babyhood

 1.
Physical Hazards – illness and
 2. Crib death
 3. malnutrition
 4. psychological hazards
 5. delayed motor development
 6. speech hazards – lack of stimulation,
multiple births. Baby talk

Chapter 2: Human Development

Stages of Development
Childhood Stage
3. Early Childhood Stage – 2 to 6 years old
 “Age of Curiosity”
4. Late Childhood Stage – 6 years old up to the
onset of puberty
 “Smart Stage”
 “Gang Stage”
 Desire for acceptance and belongingness

Chapter 2: Human Development

Cognitive Development
1. Theory of Cognitive Development by Jean
 Sensorimotor Stage (birth to 2 years)
 Infants use their senses and motor behaviors than
their thinking to learn about their world.
 Significant achievement: Object Permanence
 Pre-operational Stage (2 to 7 years)
 Use symbols to represent people or object
 Imitate actions and learn how to do numbers
 Egocentric

Chapter 2: Human Development

Cognitive Development
 Theory of Cognitive Development
 Concrete Operation Stage (7-11 or 12 years)
 They are no longer egocentric because they can put
themselves into the shoes of others
 Can make moral judgments
 Significant Achievement: Concept of Conservation
 Formal Operation Stage (12 years and older)
 In this stage, children can already solve problems through
reasoning, even theoretically and abstractly
 They try to consider all available data before they

Chapter 2: Human Development

Stages of Development
6. Puberty Stage
 Overlaps the end of childhood and then touches the early
part of adolescence
 Rapid changes in height and skeletal structures, changes in
weight and sexual maturation
 “Age of Confusion”

2 stages of puberty:
1. Pre-pubescence – changes in primary sexual characteristics
occur: Reproductive apparatus changes
2. Post-pubescence – completion in the changes of primary
sexual characteristics: secondary sexual characteristics occur

Chapter 2: Human Development

Stages of Development
7. Adolescence Stage
- Latin verb “adolescere” which means to grow into
1. Teenager or the young adolescent – 13 to 17 years
Tends to be unpredictable, unstable and
sometimes unsociable
2. Youth or the older adolescent – 18 to 24 years old
Tends to lack sophistication and displays
uncontrolled impulse for sexual behavior

 Period of storm and stress

Chapter 2: Human Development

Stages of Development
Adulthood Stage
8.Early Adulthood – 21 to 40 years old
 Work, spouse, and children
9. Middle Adulthood – 40 to 60 years old
 Assisting children as they grow into maturity
 Shift from family-centered relationship to pair-
centered relationship
 Menopause and Andropause (Climacteric)
10. Late Adulthood or Old Age
 “Stage of Senescence”

Chapter 2: Human Development

Speech and Language Development
 Language
 encompasses all forms of communication and SPEECH is
just one of the many forms of language.

 Speech
 Involves articulate sounds or words to convey certain
1. The child must know first the meaning of the words
they use
2. The child must pronounce the words clearly so that
these are readily understood by other in the society

Chapter 2: Human Development

Speech and Language Development
 Four Pre-Speech forms of Communication
1. Crying – (birth) way of letting adults know their feelings
2. Cooing and Babbling
 Cooing – oo sounds (end of 1st month)
 Babbling – play speech (middle of the 1st year)
3. Gestures and Non-verbal Communication (3rd – 16th
 Declarative gestures
 Imperative gestures
4. Emotional Expressions

Chapter 2: Human Development

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