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Ayurvedic Food Combination

Presented By:
Dinesh Kumar
Entry No.: 2017RDZ8583
What is food combining ?
• The food combining theory refers to eating or not eating
certain foods together in the same sitting in order to achieve
optimal digestion.
• For many, the concept of food combining – the idea that
some foods digest well together while others do not – is
entirely new, and somewhat foreign.
• But according to Ayurveda, it is an essential part of
understanding how to eat properly.
• Careful food combining can dramatically improve the quality
of digestion, support the body in receiving a deeper level of
nourishment, and positively impact our overall health.

• Also Known as Food synergy, it is the term used for nutrients

working together to create greater health effects.”
Why do we need to practice proper
food combining?
• The Ayurvedic perspective is that each food has a
distinct combination of tastes and energies – and a
corresponding affect on both the digestive system and
on the body as a whole.
• Combining foods with radically different energetics can
overwhelm the digestive fire and can cause
• indigestion, fermentation, gas, bloating,
• flatulence, acid reflux, diarrhea, vomiting, body odors,
colds, flu, pimples, dandruff, chronic pain, fatigue and
countless other signs of autointoxicationand the creation
of toxins
• If we have chronic gastrointestinal gas, queasiness,
bloating and body odors, we are not healthy even if we
feel good and happy.
भोजन के प्रकार: सात्विक, राजससक और तामससक
• सात्विक आहार | Sattvic Food | Satvik Food
• सात्विक भोजन वह है जो शरीर को शुद्ध करता है और मन को शाां सत प्रदान करता है I
• पकाया हुआ भोजन यसद ३-४ घांटे के भीतर सेवन सकया जाता है तो इसे सात्विक माना जाता है I
• उदाहरण - ताजे फल, हरी पत्तेदार सत्वियााँ ,बादाम आसद, अनाज और ताजा दू धI

• राजससक आहार |Rajasic Food

• ये आहार शरीर और मत्विष्क को कायय करने के सलए प्रेररत करते हैं । इनका अत्यसधक सेवन
शरीर में असतससियता, बेचैनी, िोध, सचड़सचड़ापन, असनद्रा इत्यासद लाते हैं I
• असतस्वासदष्ट खाद्य पदार्य राजससक हैं I
• उदाहरण - मसालेदार भोजन, प्याज, लहसुन, चाय, कॉफी और तले हुए खाद्य पदार्य I

• तामससक आहार |Tamasic Food

• तामससक भोजन वो हैं जो शरीर और मन को सुि करते हैं I इनके अत्यसधक सेवन से जड़ता, भ्रम
और भटकाव महसूस होता है I
• बासी या पुन: गमय सकया गया भोजन, तेल या अत्यसधक भोजन और कृसिम परररक्षकोां से युक्त
भोजन इस श्रेणी के अांतगयत आते हैं I
• उदाहरण - माां साहारी आहार, बासी भोजन, वसा का अत्यसधक सेवन, तेलयुक्त और अत्यसधक
मीठा भोजनI
Ayurveda literature has described various types of

Viruddha Ahara, which can be summarized as follows:

• Desha (place) Viruddha

• Kala Viruddha
• Agni Viruddha
• Matra (quantity) Viruddha
• Satmya (wholesome) Viruddha
• Dosha Viruddha
• Sanskar (mode of preparation) Viruddha
• Veerya (potency) Viruddha
• Koshtha Viruddha
• Avastha (state of health) Viruddha
• Kram (sequence) Viruddha
• Parihar Viruddha
• Upachar (treatment) Viruddha
• Paak (cooking) Viruddha
• Samyoga (combination) Viruddha
• Hriday Viruddha
• Sampad (richness of quality) Viruddha
• Vidhi (rules for eating) Viruddha
Examples of incompatibility/antagonistic

• Veerya Viruddha (potency incompatibility) — fish + milk.

• Sanskar Viruddha (processing incompatibility) — heated honey.

• Matra Viruddha (dose incompatibility) — honey + cow's ghee mixed in equal proportion.

• Krama Viruddha — hot water after taking honey.

• Kala Viruddha — (time incompatibility) pungent substance in summer and cold substances in

• Krama Viruddha (order incompatibility) — consuming curd at night. Taking Madhura Rasa food
or Dravya at the end of meals and Tikta and Katu Rasa Dravyas (food substances) at the
starting of meals.

• Samyoga Viruddha (combination incompatibility) — fruit salad or milk + banana.

• Parihar Viruddha (contraindication incompatibility) — consuming cold water immediately after

having hot tea or coffee.
Diseases due to Viruddha Ahara
• From the above list it can be understood that any procedure, combinations, dose,
amount of food, opposite properties of food if consumed in a regular fashion can
lead to number of disorders.

• Charaka has mentioned that such types of wrong combinations can lead to even

• If above-said rules for the diet are not followed then the diseases occurring due
to Viruddha Aahara can occur, which are mentioned below.

• Impotency, Visarpa (erysipelas), blindness, ascitis, bullus, insanity, fistula in ano,

coma or fainting, intoxication, abdominal distention, stiffness in neck, varieties of
anemia, indigestions, various skin diseases, diseases of intestines, swelling, gastritis,
fever, rhinitis, and infertility.

• It can be observed from the above list that Viruddha Anna can lead to disorders
up to impotency and infertility, thus it has an impact up to Shukra Dhatu Dushti. If
the above list of diseases is classified as per the body system, it can be said that,
immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, nervous system, and
circulatory systems are affected by continuous consumption of Viruddha Ahara.
Know about the food combinations that are poisonous enough to

harm your health

1. Eggs And Bacon A breakfast comprised of eggs and bacon looks like
a hearty meal, isn't it? But the downside of this food combination is
that the high protein in egg and the fat in bacon is something that is
hard to digest and will leave you lethargic later on.
2. Burger And Fries Everyone loves to gorge on burger and fries. Since
burger and fries contain trans fats, these may combine and increase
your cholesterol levels and make you feel tired and sleepy. The trans
fats and starch present in both the food items will cause a rise in
your blood cholesterol levels and spike your blood sugar levels.
3. Juice And Cereal This food combination may not provide you
enough energy to start your day with and may leave you with some
amount of discomfort, causing heaviness.The acids present in fruit
juices lower the activity of the enzyme that break down
4. Pizza And Soda There are many people who can't eat pizza without
a fizzy drink. The carbohydrates in the pizza along with proteins
and starch take up a lot of your body's energy for digestion. And
soda, which contains sugar, slows down the digestion process,
leading to bloating.
5. Olive Oil and Nuts This food combination can make you sick because
the protein in nuts and the fat in olive oil do not mix and hinder the
digestion process. Thus, the raw fat, which is being digested, prevents
the protein from being digested as well.
6. Muffins And Juice Muffins and juice is another common breakfast
food combination that will leave you feeling tired soon after. This food
combination trades the protein and fibre you need to start your day with
for excess carbohydrates, which will spike your blood sugar levels.
8. Banana And Milk Bananas are filled with potassium and milk
contains enzymes that may interfere in the digestion process. When they
are combined together they become toxic and causes heaviness in the
body and slows down the mind.
9. Acid Fruits And Sweet Fruits which are acidic in nature slow down
the quick digestion of the sugars from sweet fruits leading to
fermentation. Acidic fruits like lemon, lime and tomato should not be
combined with sweet fruits like papaya, banana dates or raisins.
10. Desserts (Sugar) With Dishes Containing Meat (High Protein) Are
you one of those who completes your meal of chicken-based dishes with
a sweet dessert? If yes, then you must be prone to gastric problems
because sugar acts on the protein digesting enzymes by slowing down
the digestion process completely.
आयुवेद के अनुसार प्रभाव की दृसष्ट से तीन-तीन रस वात, सपत्त और कफ को बढाने वाले होते है

और तीन-तीन ही तीनोां को शान्त करने वाले होते हैं

• कफवधयक-मीठे , खट्टे , नमकीन। कफशामक-कडवे, चरपरे , कसैले।

• सपत्तवधयक-कडवे , नमकीन, खट्टे । सपत्तशामक-मीठे , चरपरे , कसैले।
• वातवधयक-कड़वे , चरपरे , कसैले। वातशामक-मीठे , खट्टे , नमकीन।
दोष संचय प्रकोप शमन
वात ग्रीष्म वर्ाय शरद


पपत्त वर्ाय शरद हे मन्त

(सावन-भादोां (आसिन-कासतयक) (मागयशीर्-पौर्)

कफ सशसशर बसन्त ग्रीष्म

(माघ-फाल्गुन) (चैि-बैसाख)
Combinations to Reduce or Avoid
Incompatible Foods: Supportive Combinations:

Beans Fruit, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, meat, fish Grains, vegetables, other beans, nuts, seeds

Dairy Depends on the type of dairy; see individual categories below.

Butter may not combine with other foods as universally as Grains, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, eggs,
Butter & Ghee
ghee. cooked fruit

Cheese Fruit, beans, eggs, milk, yogurt, hot drinks Grains, vegetables

Any other food (especially BANANAS, cherries, melons, sour

Milk is best enjoyed alone… Exceptions: rice pudding,
Milk fruits, yeasted breads, eggs, yogurt, meat, fish, kitchari,
oatmeal, dates, almonds

Fruit, beans, MILK, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, nightshades, hot

Yogurt Vegetables, grains

MILK, cheese, yogurt, fruit (especially melons), beans,

Eggs Grains, non-starchy vegetables
kitchari, potatoes, meat, fish

Any other food (aside from other fruit) *Exceptions: dates Other fruits with similar qualities (i.e. citrus together, apples
with milk, some cooked combinations with pears, a berry medley, etc.)

Cucumbers, tomatoes, milk, yogurt

Usually ok with other foods, if used in small amounts as a
Lemons Note: lime can be substituted for use with cucumbers and
garnish or flavoring.

EVERYTHING (especially dairy, eggs, fried food, grains,

Other melons (in a pinch)… But it's better to have each type
Melons starches) *More than most fruit, melons should be eaten alone
of melon on its own.
or not at all.

Beans, vegetables, other grains, eggs, meat, fish, nuts, seeds,

Grains Fruit
cheese, yogurt

Grains, beans, other vegetables, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish,

Vegetables Fruit, milk
nuts, seeds, eggs

Fruit (especially melon), cucumber, milk, cheese, yogurt

Nightshades Note: nightshades include peppers, eggplant, potatoes, and Other vegetables, grains, beans, meat, fish, nuts, seeds
In addition, there are some specific preparations that are

challenging when combined with particular foods.

Incompatible Combinations: Supportive Combinations:

Most other foods are ok, unless the hot

drink contains other foods (i.e. milk,
Mangoes, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish,
Hot Drinks fruit, almond milk, rice milk, etc.), in
which case, reference that particular
type of food.

Ideally, just other leftovers from the

Leftovers Freshly cooked foods same meal… Preferably not more than
24 hours old.

Cooked foods (especially in large Other raw foods, ideally in small

Raw Foods
quantities) quantities.
Habits to improve digestion
• Wait for the signs of true hunger.

• Eat the same time every day. The stomach likes to be on a good routine.

• A simple glass of warm water twenty minutes before a meal can improve digestive function by as much as 24%.

• Relax while eating and for fifteen minutes afterwards.

• Eat simple food combinations.

• Avoid cold drinks or food.

• Baby the digestion after a tough day with time-tested soups.

• Completely chew and mix food with saliva.

• Fill stomach 1/3 full with food, 1/3 with water, and 1/3 empty.

• Eat a simple breakfast, a hearty lunch, and a gentle dinner.

• Have some fresh or pickled ginger before a meal to ignite those digestive juices.

• Utilize the proper herbs and spices for your dosha and season to spice up life. Eating healthy does not have to be
a just a kale smoothie. It’s about beauty, color, taste, smell, mindfulness and joy.
Why we must adopt these
ancient food practices
In fact going back to some of these habits can magically impact our health.

• Sitting on the floor while eating:

• Early morning breakfast:
• Food contamination with saliva:
• Not talking while eating:
• Cooking in earthen utensils:
• Not stocking up prepared meal for the whole day:
• Early Dinner:
• Eating food with hands
• Prayer to god before eating

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