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Panas yang berpindah disebut Energi

Cara perpindahan panas:

 Conduction (merambat / konduksi)
 Convection (mengalir / konveksi)
 Radiation (memancar / radiasi)
Panas dapat berpindah, bila:
 Adanya beda temperatur
Besarnya laju perpindahan panas dipengaruhi
 Konduktifitas thermal benda (k)
 Koefisien perpindahan secara konveksi(h)
 Emicivity (E)
 Luas Bidang panas (A)
 Besarnya beda tempratur oC
 Perpindahan Konduksi
Q = -K . A. = Watt

Q=Besarnya laju perpindahan panas yang
dipindahkan (watt)
K = konduktifitas thermal benda (w/m oC)
A = luas bidang panas (m2)
ΔT = beda temperatur
ΔX = Tebal lintasan
Consider a 3-m- high, 5-m- wide, and 0,3-m
thick conductivity is k = 0,9 W/m.oC (Fig.3-11).
On a certain day, the temperatures of the inner
and the outer surfaces of the wall are measured
to be 16oC and 2oC, respectively. Determine the
rate of the heat loss through the wall on that day.

Q = kA. =(0,9 W/moC)(15 m2)

= 630 W
 1. Energy balance for closed system
Ein – Eout = ΔU = m.CV.ΔT
 Energy balance for steady flow system
massa yang mengalir dalam pipa
m = ρ.v.A ( )

ρ = density
v = kecepatan aliran
A = Luas penampung alir n2m
Sedangkan volume aliran
v = v.A = ( )
1,2 kg of liquid water initially at 15oC is to be heated to 95oC in
teapot equipped with a1200-w electric heating element inside
(Fig.1-18). The teapot is 0,5kg and has an average specific heat of
0,7kJ/kg.oC. Taking the specific heat of water to be 4,18 kJ/kg.Oc
and disregarding any heat loss from the teapot, determine how
long it will take for the water to be heated.
Ein – Eout = ΔEsystem
Ein= ΔUsystem = Δuwater + Δuteapot
Ein = (mCΔT)water + (mCΔT) teapot
=(1,2kg)(4,18kJ/kg.oC)(95-15)oC+(0,5kg)(0,7kJ/kgoC) (95-15)oC
Δt = = = = 358 s = 6,0 min
 Adalah salah satu cara perpindahan panas
antara solid surface dan cairan atau gas.

Qconveksi = h. As. (Ts – Tsek)

Type of convection h, W/m2.oC

Free convection of gases 5 – 25

Free convection of liquid 10 – 1000

Forced convection of gases 25 – 250

Forced convection of liquid 50 – 20.000

Boiling and condensation 2500 – 100.000

A 2m long, 0,3cm diameter electrical wire extends across a room at
15oC, as shown in Fig 1-33. Heat is generated in the wire as a result
of resistance heating, and the surface temperature of the wire is
measured to be 152oC in steady operation. Also, the voltage drop
and electric current through the wire are measured to be 60 v and
1,5 A, respectively, disregarding any heat transfer by radiation,
determine the convection heat transfer coefficient for heat transfer
between the outer surface of the wire and the air in the room.
Q = Egenerated = V.I = (60 V) (1,5 A) = 90 W
• the surface area of the wire is
As = π DL = π(0,003m) (2m) = 0,01885 m2
 Newton’s law of cooling for convection heat transfer is expressed as
Qconveksi = h. As. (Ts – Tsek)

 h= = = 34,9 W/m2. oC

R conveksi =

R conduction =
 Consider a 0,8 high and 1,5m wide double pane window consisting of two
4mm thick layers of glass (k= 0,78 w/m.oC) separated by a 10mm wide
stagnant air space (k=0,026W/m. oC). Determine the steady rate of heat
transfer through this double pane window and the temperature of its inner
surface for a day during which the room is maintained at 20oC while the
temperature of the outdoors is -10oC. Take the convection heat transfer
coefficients on the inner and outer surfaces of the window to be h1 = 10
W/m2oC and h2 = 40 W/m2oC .which include the effects of radiation
Rtotal = Rconv,1 + Rglass,1 + Rair + Rglass2+Rconv2
= 0,08333 + 0,00427 + 0,3205 + 0,00427 + 0,02083
= 0,4332 oC/w

 Q= = = 69,2
 T1= Tsek1 – QRConv,I =
 20 oC – (69,2W)(0,08333oC/W) =14,2oC
Steam at Tsek1 =320oC flows in a cast iron pipe (k=80 w/m.oC) whose
inner and outer diameters are D1 =5Cm and D2 =5,5Cm, respectively. The
pipe is covered with 3cm thick glass wool insulation with k=0,05W/m.oC
Heat is lost to the surroundings at Tsek2 =5oC by natural convection and
radiation, with a combined heat transfer coefficient of h2 =18W/m2. oC.
Taking the heat transfer coefficient inside the pipe to pipe to be h1=
60W/m2. oC, determine the rate of heat loss from the steam per unit
length of the pipe. Also determine the temperature drops across the pipe
shell and the insulation
 A1 = 2πr1L = 2π (0,025 m)(1m) = 0,157 m2
 A3 = 2πr3L = 2π (0,0575 m)(1m) = 0,361 m2

 R1 = Rconv,I = = =0,106 0C/W

 R1 = Rpipe = = =0,0002 0C/W

next >>>>
R2 = Rinsulation= Ln(r3/r2 =
2.3,14.K2 L

= 2,35 0C/W
R0 = Rconv,2 = =
=0,154 0C/W
Rtotal= Ri + R1 + R2 + Ro = 0,106 + 0,0002 +
2,35 + 0,154 = 2,61oC

Q= = = 121W

 ΔTpipe = QR pipe = (121W)(0,0002 OC/W) =

0,02 OC
 ΔTinsulation = QR insulation = (121W) (2,35OC/W)
= 284OC

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