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Group 2
This chapter discusses the project and
framework, it’s purpose, and description, and objectives
that highlight the system billing and it’s scope and

Water billing system is representing an

automated system that was based on paying water
bills. This system can manage transaction. It will track
all the records of the customers if they have paid on due
date or not. The main purpose of this system is to help
all customers to pay their bill in an easy and effective
Computer and a preparedly system has brought the
world better and easier way of running businesses and it was
considered the lifeblood of society. “Life is a race even you
don’t run fast, you’ll be trampled” this quotation merely fits in
today’s fast changing world as technology changed the way
we live, work and spends leisure time.

Over the years, technology has revolutionized our

world and daily lives. Technology has created amazing tools
and resources. Since there are so many new technologies to
keep track of, it can seem overwhelming to adapt. However,
all of these new technologies are designed to make our life
Before, the old water billing style where the
consumer need to get inline to pay their bill. But
now the customer do not need to get inline during
payday anymore, instead of getting inline and
wasting time from waiting they just need to open
their mobile phone to have an access to their water
bill and pay for it, Nowadays, the usage of mobile
technologies is very helpful and people must seek
to know about it
The Water Billing System is effective because
this application will help all customers in paying
their bill. This application will help them to make
their paying more easier and efficient , because our
world was being modernized, we need to help
others to improve and to make easy all things, just
like what this application for. The main goal of our
application the Water Billing System is to make
the paying bills more effective.

The Water Billing System is an automated

paying bills that can only be use in paying bills,
this system contains about the data and
information also of the customer.

The objectives of this project is to help the

customers to have an easy, efficient and effective
paying bill, and this app can help the customer
lessen the time their need to pay bills, you don’t
have to get inline only to your bill.
 To provide an easiest way of computing the
amount of the customer’s bill.
 To give the best way of informing or notifying all
customers regarding to the due date and also the
amount of bill.
 To give fast and accurate access of customers

 To avoid long line in paying the bill.

 To get the right bill


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