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Change in Pakistan will only bring in new puppets

From Day 1 of the current Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) regime, it was written on the wall that the engineered
political discourse that brought Imran Khan and his party to power would not be sustainable for very long. Only
someone incapable of understanding political dynamics and unaware of the inability of the PTI to govern could have
thought that Khan would not eventually shoot himself or his backers in the foot. So what was inevitable from Day 1 is
now gradually being recognized by the powers that be, and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) is trying to
finalize a deal with the military establishment to retake control of the government.
PTM Civil Movement: Prelude to National Struggle

In September last year, as Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan recited spite at the United Nations General Assembly
over alleged and untrue human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir by India, hundreds of protesters outside the
New York building were blaming Khan for something similar. These were his own tribesmen, the Baloch, Pashtuns
and other ethnicities from Pakistan.
Lending support to the Pashtuns, who held aloft the banner of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement, have been men and
women from Pakistan’s Balochistan and Sindh provinces. Most of them were from the Baloch Republican Party, the
Muttahida Qaumi Movement and the Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz.
IS Pakistan In Need Of Solidarity Itself?

Pakistan has continued its journey of blowing

an issue out of proportion to a level that they
become a subject of mockery all across the
world, yet again. And celebrating National
Kashmir Solidarity Day on 5th February is part of
this continued struggle. Since that day the true
meaning of Solidarity day in Pakistan is a means
of celebrating a holiday and wasting time and
money on unfruitful campaigns. Sadly the who’s
who of Pakistan’s government body are unable
to accept that the UN Secretary General’s
statement and the discussions at the Security
Council were an unambiguous statement of the
fact that Jammu and Kashmir was a part of India
and that UN resolutions were now irrelevant.
The false sense with which Pakistan lives in its
cocoon makes them believe that celebration of
such events would compel the world to take
action and it would thus confidently give an
impression to the world that the whole nation is
one and united and is fully committed to the
freedom struggle of the people of Kashmir.

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