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Sudan Medical

Collaboration between Sudan and Ireland
especially in health-related matters dates back to
several decades. Since the early 1960’s Sudanese
doctors have came to train in Ireland, specially
surgeons and physicians
Briefing about the MOU

• Federal Ministry of Health Sudan and the

general health service executive Ireland
signed an agreement aimed at strengthen
health system November 2017
• This agreements overarch SMSB training in
Ireland program.
MOU in Ireland
International Medical Graduate
 The WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment
of Health Personnel provides a framework for ethical recruitment and
social accountability. Ireland has committed to implementation of
the Code and one example is the International Medical Graduate
Training Initiative
 Provides a possible route for overseas doctors wishing to undergo
structured postgraduate medical training in Ireland where they could
access clinical experience and training (Training in different settings).
 Duration of training 24 months (2 years).
 This program is only available for candidates College of
surgeons and physicians of Pakistan since 2011 and Sudan
Medical Specialization Board since 2017.
SMSB Experience

 In 2017 :One Resident from the ophthalmology council

had joined the IMGTI
 November 2017:Federal Ministry of Health Sudan and
the general health service executive Ireland signed an
MOU aimed at strengthen health system and expansion
of training opportunities
 2018: 4 residents have started their training in Ireland
from 3 specialty councils (Internal Medicine, obstetrics
and gynecology, and pediatrics medicine).
SMSB residents at the Royal college of physicians of Ireland
 Ophthalmology
 General Medicine
 Pediatrics
 Obs and Gynecology
 Anesthesia.
Obs and Gynecology Pediatrics
Application requirements

 SMSB resident (Passed part 1 exam)

 enrolled in training and has completed 2 years
of training at SMSB
 IELTS minimum score 7
Application process

1. SMSB will announced for vacancies and

application requirements.
2. Participants are expected to fulfil all
requirements at the time of application
3. Applications are submitted to the specialty
4. Shortlisting by the specialty councils
5. Shortlisted candidates are interviewed by the
Irish counterpart and candidates will be placed
in an order of a merits list
6. Final selection is made by the Irish counterpart
with reference to the order of the merits list and
available vacancies
7. Upon completion of two years of training in
Ireland residents are expected to complete
their thesis and sit for part 2 SMSB exam

 An institutionalized training program

 Strengthen training(training in other settings)
 Allows SMSB to expand its training sites
 Its an on-job training program
 IELTS minimum score 7
 Some participants lack training on the know-hows of
passing an interviewing.
The way forward
 The 2019 intake will be announced soon.
 SMSB will continue to work with Sudanese Medical
diaspora to train and support residents in Interviewing and
other clinical an non-clinical skills necessary for their
 SMSB will continue to work with Sudanese Medical
diaspora to explore the possibilities of providing a
Sudanese Mentorship to SMSB residents enrolled in IMGTI

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