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The political belief that one ruler should hold all of the power

Within the boundaries of the country

1500 - 1800
Chapter 5
• Absolutism – is a form of government in
which one ruler has supreme authority and
where that authority is not restricted by any
written laws, legislature, or customs.
• Divine Right – kings and queens have a
God-given right to rule and that rebellion
against them is a sin.
• What is the job of a king?
• How does a king display or show his power?
• How does a king hold on to his power?
• Should the king fear anyone?
• Democracy - a government in which the
supreme power is vested in the people
• What are the characteristics of a democracy?
#1 Absolutism or Democracy?
• These ideas were expressed by King Louis XIV
of France in 1660.
• The head alone has the right to deliberate and
decide, and the functions of all the other
members consist only in carrying out the
commands given to them . . . . The more you
grant . . . [to the assembled people], the more it
claims . . . The interest of the state must come
• Which type of government does King Louis
XIV describe? Why?
#2 Absolutism or Democracy?
• The following is an excerpt from Voltaire’s
• . . . I may disapprove of what you say, but
I will defend to the death your right to say
it . . . The best government seems to be
that in which all ranks of men are equally
protected by the laws . . .
• Which type of government does Voltaire recommend?
Which freedom is essential to this type of
government? Why?
• Write 1 paragraph for each question. (5
sentences minimum)
What are the positives of living under an
absolute monarch?

What are the negatives of living under an

absolute monarch?
Absolute Monarchs

Louis XIV of France Peter the Great

Philip II of Spain Of Russia
“Sun King”
Growing Power of Monarchs
• Why did the monarchs
of Europe grow so
 Decline of feudalism
 Rise of cities
 Growth of national
 Growing middle class
 Wealth of colonies
 Breakdown of church
Crises Lead to Absolutism
• Why was the 17th • How did the
century a time of monarchs respond?
 Impose order
 Religious conflict
 Regulate religious
 Territorial conflict worship
 Control social
 Control the economy
 Free themselves from
the nobility and
legislative bodies
What did the absolute monarchs
have in common?
1. Palaces (p.166) Philip II’s El Escorial Palace
2. Wars
3. Persecution of
ethnic or
4. Control nobility
Philip II of Spain
• Defender of
• Spanish Armada
• Dutch Revolt
Spanish Armada
• 1588
• To punish Queen
• Loser!
The Dutch Revolt 1566-1579

• Why did the Dutch revolt against Spain?
• Why might an absolute monarch view a
republic, such as the Netherlands, as a
political threat?
• Why did absolute monarchs believe that
they were justified in exercising absolute
Louis XIV of France
• “The Sun King”
• Palace of Versailles
(p. 166)
• Intendants
• Edict of Nantes
• Control the Nobility
• Party time
• Disastrous Wars
Peter the Great- Russia
• Differences with
• “Grand Embassy”
• Westernization
• Reforms
Peter’s Reforms
• Orthodox Church
• Modernize Army
• Introduce potatoes
• 1st newspaper
• Western clothing
• Education
• St. Petersburg
20 th century

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