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The history of the computer.


 Instruments similar to the abacus appear in Babylon and China in the years 1000
and 500 a. C., but they are still nothing more than count tables.
 Between 1610 and 1617 John Napier, scholar of the Apocalypse and inventor of
the logarithms, develops a system for calculating by means of rods placed on a
board, also called bones of Napier, precursors of the calculation rule, which
was invented between 1620-1630.
 It was probably the English mathematician William Ought red, friend of Napier,
who developed this instrument in 1621, both in its rectilinear and circular
versions. In 1624, the German mathematician Wilhelm Schickard builds the first
mechanical calculator from the bones of Napier, twenty years before Pascal.

 It is used for astronomical calculations. In 1645, the French mathematician and

physicist Blaise Pascal built the second mechanical calculator in history,
 In 1800, the French mathematician Joseph Jacquard is a system of punched
cards to control the drawing formed in a telephone.
 In 1822, Charles Babbage presented his project of differential machine to
evaluate polynomials in the Royal Astronomical Society. However, I never
finished building the machine.
 In 1835, Babbage presents an analytical machine based on the operation of
Jacquard perforated cards, but in the project between 1833 and 1842, I have
never achieved the first step, as I have done with the differential machine.
 In 1855, the Swedish Georg Scheutz successfully built a differential machine,
based on the design of Babbage, which the British Government bought for its
General Registry Office in 1859, although finally, the lack of funds frustrated the
 In 1893, Leonardo Torres Quevedo presents his Memory on the algebraic
machines and the following year.
 Herman Hollerith was the person who introduced the first punch cards to store
 The first computer never came to completion.


The first draft of a modern computer in the year 1930 the German engineer
Konrad Zuse.

In 1940 he proposed to the German government to finance its development, create

a machine to think and quickly solve any problem, but Adolf Hitler ignored it.

It is considered that in 1942 John Vincent Atanassoff invented the first digital
computer. Therefore, the American electronic engineer John Vincent Atanassoff is
considered the inventor of the computer.
The evolution of the computer

 It was invented in Babylon some 500 years before Christ, the ancient abacuses
were boards to count, they were not a computer because they did not have
the capacity to store information, but with this instrument transactions were
carried out in various cities of antiquity.
 In 1642 by the young Frenchman BLAISE PASCAL to see that his father had
problems to keep a correct account of the taxes he charged invented a
calculating machine that worked based on gears, the same that Pascal called
her in the name of PASCALINA.
 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz adds to the machine invented by Blaise Pascal
the functions of multiplication and division.
 He invented a calculator that could carry out the four basic mathematical
operations (add, subtract, divide and multiply).
 In 1822 Charles Babbage created a differential machine capable of developing
polynomials but several drawbacks in the pieces of this machine made it fail, after
this failure in 1833 Babbage created the analytical machine which was capable of
doing all the mathematical operations and being programmed by half of cards of
perforated cardboard and keep a huge amount of figures, this is why Charles
Babbage is considered the father of computer science.
 Between the years 1880 and 1890 censuses were conducted in the United States, the
results of the first census were obtained after 7 years, so it was assumed that the
results of the 1890 census would be obtained between 10 to 12 years, that is why
Herman Hollerith proposed the use of his system based on punch cards, and that was
a success since six months after the census of 1890 the first results were obtained, the
final results of the census were after 2 years, the system that Hollerith used to order
and list the punched cards that contained the data of the persons senate, was the
first automated use of a machine. When seeing these results Holerith founds a
company of tabuladoras machines that later happened to be the International
Business Machines (IBM).
 The first generation of computers comprises from the year 1944 to 1956, in this
first generation is the creation of the MARK I computer that was developed by
Howard Aiken, in this period the Second World War is developed, which is why
many projects remained unfinished , but there were also projects driven by this
same motive that was the war, which caused great developments to be
achieved, that is how the ENIAC computer (Electronic Numerical Intregrator
and Calculator) was created, which was a huge computer which occupied
more than one room , weighed more than 30 tons and worked with more than
18 thousand vacuum tubes, one of its important features was that it used the
binary system instead of the decimal system.
 It is noteworthy that during this first generation the most important of the
computers that were created was the use of vacuum tubes, also it is worth
mentioning that after 1950 several machines were created each one with a
significant advance, in 1951 the first computer was built For commercial use
which was called UNIVAC I, this computer was built to be used in the census
office of the United States.
 In this second generation the machine language was replaced by assembly
language, high level languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN were created. In
addition to the storage of the information they began to use magnetic tapes.
 Although in this generation the size was reduced and the speed was increased,
even the computers meant a considerable cost for the companies.
 This generation comprises from 1964 to 1971 and the greatest achievement of
this generation is the use of integrated circuits (silicon chips), this made the
computers smaller and faster, they also consumed less electricity which resulted
in less quantity of electricity. heat, they were also more efficient.
 With the use of the chip an enormous step was taken in the computer age since
the chip contained a series of integrated circuits which stored the information,
this allowed the computers to do several tasks at the same time as was the
processing of information and mathematical calculation.
 In the third generation programs or software begin to emerge, the company
that had its peak in this generation was IBM which launched the
minicomputadoras IBM 360 and 370.
 In the year of 1970 IBM placed a diskette drive to its computer model 3740 with
this increased the access capacity and the speed of the information.
 The fourth generation of computers is from 1971 to 1981, the most important
thing in this generation is the invention of the microprocessor which joined
the integrated circuits in a single block. The creation of the microprocessor
made possible the development of personal computers or PCs.
 In the year of 1971, the company INTEL created the first 4-bit chip, which
contained a large number of transistors.
 This generation of computers appear the first microcomputers which were
manufactured by the company APPLE and IBM.
 Also incorporated in this generation is the development of software aimed
at both adults and children, this is where MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating
System) or system operating disk is started, and there is a revolution in
hardware development .
 The fifth generation is located between 1982 and 1989, in these years the
companies responsible for building computers had great advances in
microelectronics and software advances, it is in this period when the "network of
networks" or Internet arises, and is where the greatest advances are made,
artificial intelligence starts, which had the purpose of equipping computers with
the ability to reason to find solutions to their own problems following patterns
and sequences, these computers could operate in large companies as it is the
construction of automobiles, and others that could do diverse tasks and at an
impressive rate.
 It is in this era where laptops appear, in addition to large computers could work
in parallel processes that was the work of the computer through several
microprocessors each did a different job.
 The storage devices of information arise a change can now store more
information, the CD is launched as standard for the storage of music and video.
 Almost 90% of the population makes use of the Internet at some time, and
therefore of a computer.
 the computers now come working with parallel / vector architectures which
makes them very fast, they can store a huge amount of information we talk
about terabites, now the computers practically make their own decisions
reaching almost the same as the human being, we have touch computers that
almost they do not occupy space at home and work, also with holographic
design, which has revolutionized the computer market.
 We are entering an era where computers can develop capacities almost similar
to human beings, we have already seen robots that can play a football match,
we hope that the technological advance in the world of computing and
computing will make things easier for us as well as So far he has been doing it.
 At present the computer uses satellites, optical fiber, artificial intelligence which
makes the development in this field is huge, we are facing an unprecedented
breakthrough, and think that all this began with a simple Abacus table in
ancient times.

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