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Global Warming


•It is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s

atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by
• The various impact of global warming
• Increase in average temperature
• Ocean Acidification
Forest Fire Extreme

Here are some examples of the impact of global warming

Melting Ice Drought

Due to negative human activity, the overall temperature of the earth’s
atmosphere has raised to a considerable amount which leads
• As a result of the earth getting
warmer, ice is melting globally
especially at the earth’s poles. [The
includes the mountain glaciers, ice
sheets covering West Antarctica,
Greenland and Arctic sea ice.]
• When huge amount of ice melts, it
turns into a huge amount of water
and thus raising the sea level.
• sea water. Low lying islands are being submerged by overwhelming
amount of
• Many arctic wildlife animals such as polar bears are losing their icy
habitat in which they are unable to survives without it.
The global temperature
has since increased
about 0.8⁰C.
• Ocean acidification is caused by ➢ Ocean Acidification Effect:
the excessive absorption of When carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide gas (CO2) by the dissolved in water, it will turn
ocean which is due to the rising into carbonic acid. This will
level of carbon dioxide caused
cause harm to some of the
by global warming.
marine organisms due to the
acid dissolving their shells.
An example of a victim of the
acidification of the ocean are coral
reefs. This is because they make
their shells out of calcium
carbonate which dissolve in acid
• If the ocean becomes more acidic, it is expected that the number of
some marine organisms including coral reef will decrease in areas
where they are most common.

The acidity of ocean has since

been increased about 25%.

• The migration of animals ❖ May be ineffective:

As global temperature rises,
due to global warming is more animals are prompted
where animals leave their to migrate towards the
habitat in search of an poles, simply following the
range of comfortable
ideal environmental temperature.
where the temperature is This method of avoiding
comfortable. extreme temperature
may not be effective.
This is because the [rate
velocity] is faster than
most organisms can
• Even if animals did migrate to other environment, they migrate no be
capable to compete in the new habit due to their inexperience.
Their inability to find food and shelter will lead to their extinction.

❖ Overview
Increase in average temperature [Accelerating sea level, Harm caused to human],
Ocean Acidification and the Migration of Animals are just part of the many impacts
of global warming.

If global warming continues, We need to stop Global

Warming from continuing,
-Hurricane and other storms are likely to become stronger
-Less fresh water will be available
if not living organisms shall
-Flood and drought will become more common soon be eradicated from all
faces of the earth.
Thank You

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