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Unit 1: General Principles of Metallurgy 4 Lecture Hours

Chief modes of occurrence of metals based on standard electrode potentials. Ellingham dia- grams for
reduction of metal oxides using carbon as reducing agent. Hydrometallurgy with
reference to cyanide process for silver and gold, Methods of purification of metals (Al, Pb, Ti, Fe, Cu,
Ni, Zn): electrolytic, oxidative refining, van Arkel-de Boer process and Mond’s process.

Unit 2: s- and p-Block Elements

Periodicity in s- and p-block elements with respect to electronic configuration, atomic and ionic size,
ionization enthalpy, electronegativity (Pauling, Mulliken, and Alfred-Rochow scales).
Allotropy in C, S, and P. Oxidation states with reference to elements in unusual and rare oxi- dation
states like carbides and nitrides), inert pair effect, diagonal relationship and anomalous behaviour of
first member of each group. Compounds of s- and p-Block Elements Diborane and concept of
multicentre bonding structure, bonding and their important properties like oxida- tion/reduction,
acidic/basic nature of the following compounds and their applications in indus- trial and
environmental chemistry. Hydrides of nitrogen (NH3, N2H4, N3H, NH2OH) Oxoacids of P, S and Cl.
Halides and oxohalides: PCl3, PCl5, SOCl2 and SO2Cl2.
Unit 3: Kinetic Theory of Gases 25 Lecture Hours Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases
and derivation of the kinetic gas equation. Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, compressibility
factor, causes of deviation. van der Waals equa-
tion of state for real gases. Boyle temperature (derivation not required). Critical phenomena, critical
constants and their calculation from van der Waals equation. Andrews isotherms of CO2. Maxwell
Boltzmann distribution laws of molecular velocities and molecular energies (graphic representation -
derivation not required) and their importance. Temperature dependence of these distributions. Most
probable, average and root mean square velocities (no derivation). Collision

cross section, collision number, collision frequency, collision diameter and mean free path of molecules.
Viscosity of gases and effect of temperature and pressure on coefficient of viscosity (qualitative treatment
only). Liquids Surface tension and its determination using stalagmome- ter. Viscosity of a liquid and
determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscome- ter. Effect of temperature on surface
tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment only) Solids Forms of solids, Symmetry
elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and identification of lattice planes. Laws of
Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X-Ray
diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law. Structures of NaCl, KCl and CsCl (qualitative treatment only). Defects
in crystals. Glasses and liquid crystals.
Unit 4: Chemical Kinetics 11 Lecture Hours
The concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on reaction
rates. Order and molecularity of a reaction. Derivation of integrated rate equations for zero, first and
second order reactions (both for equal and unequal concentrations of reactants). Half-life of a reaction.
General methods for determination of order of a reaction. Concept of activation energy and its
calculation from Arrhenius equation. Theories of Reaction Rates: Collision theory and Activated
Complex theory of bimolecular reactions. Comparison of the two theories (qualitative treatment only).
Hydrides of nitrogen (NH3, N2H4, N3H,
 NH  only thermally stable hydride.
  Prepared industrially by the Haber process (500 oC, high pressure),
naturally by nitrogen fixation.


 Nitrogen trihydride
 Formula and structure: The chemical formula of ammonia is NH3,
 and it's molar mass is 17.03 g/mol.
 The ammonia molecule has a trigonal pyramidal shape,
 with nitrogen connected to the three hydrogen atoms.
 The nitrogen atom has a lone electron pair, which makes ammonia a base.
 Ammonia is a weak base.
 It combines with various acids to form ammonium salts,
which are important chemicals in many industries.
 Ammonia readily dissolves in water in an exothermic reaction,
to form aqueous ammonia solution, also called as ammonium
hydroxide (NH4OH).
 Uses: Ammonia is the precursor to various important nitrogen
compounds, such as urea, amino acids, phenol, acrylonitrile,
hydrogen cyanide, soda ash, nitric acid, and many others. It is
also used for the production of fertilizers, polymers, synthetic
fibres (nylon, rayon), explosives (TNT, nitroglycerin), cleaning
agents, and refrigerants

 Hydrazine is a molecule of two singly-bonded nitrogen atoms and

four peripheral hydrogen atoms.
 Inits anhydrous form, it is a colourless, toxic irritant and
sensitiser, which damages the central nervous system, producing
symptoms as extreme as tumours and seizures.
 The chemical formula of hydrazine is NH2NH2. Its molecular
formula is N2H4, and its molar mass is 32.04 g/mol. The chemical
structure is shown below, consisting of two NH2 groups covalently
attached. Each of the N-NH2 groups adopts a pyramidal shape.
 Preparation: The commercial production of hydrazine is by the
Raschig process, in which sodium hypochlorite solution is treated
with excess ammonia to form a chloramine intermediate, which
then gives the final hydrazine product along with hydrochloric
 NaOCl + NH3 → H2N-NH2 + HCl
 Hydrazine is a colorless and dense liquid with a strong odor of
ammonia. It has a density of 1.02 g/mL and a boiling point of
114 °C. It is highly flammable and soluble in water.
 Hydrazine is a highly reactive base and reducing agent, and is
widely used in organic synthesis. Hydrazine is a moderate base,
while its aqueous solutions are highly alkaline. It reacts violently
with oxidants, acids, metals and metal oxides, creating a
potential fire and explosion hazard.

 Hydrazine is used for many industrial applications including

preparation of polymer foams, polymerization catalysts,
pesticides and the gas used in air bags.
 Several important pharmaceuticals are based on hydrazine and
its derivatives.
 Hydrazine is also used in various rocket fuels, in power plants,
in organic synthesis and in fuel cells as a safer alternative to
 Hydroxylamine isan inorganic compound with
the formula NH2OH.
 The pure material is a white, unstable crystalline,
hygroscopic compound. However, hydroxylamine is almost
always provided and used as an aqueous solution.
 Itis used to prepare oximes, an important functional
Hydrazoic acid (N3H)

 Hydrazoic acid, also known as hydrogen azide or azoimide

 Synthesis: The acid is usually formed by acidification of an azide
salt like sodium azide:
NaN3 + HCl → HN3 + NaCl
 Hydrazoic acid is soluble in water.
 Undiluted hydrazoic acid is dangerously
 When dilute, the gas and aqueous solutions (<10%) can be safely

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