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East Afirca University Date : 8/12/2019

Bosaso-Puntland-Somlia Prepared : By Group - 5

ASC –Waraxmatulahi Wabarakatuh Dhammantinba Names Of the

Students :
 Marka hore waxa mahadleh Allah Marka Labaad • Abdiqani
Waxa iygana Mahadleh Ardayda Group-5 oo ka • Yasin
kooban 8-Arday kuwaaso juhdi iyo Dadaalba u • Abdisamad
Galiyay sidi ay kuso diyaarin lahayen Ciwaanka la • Abdirahman
• Mahamed Mj
magac baxay ● Leadership • Mahamed
 Hadaanu nahay Group-5 Waxanu Uso diyaarinay waberi
Hab qaybo leh oo khuseeya ciwaanka Naloo diray • Ahmed
• Abdikarem
anago u kala dhigdhigayna si waadix ah insha alah
Leadership Definition :
 What Is the Leadership?

A simple definition is that leadership is the art of

motivating a group of people to act towards achieving
a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean
directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to
meet the company's needs .

 What Is the Different between The Leader And

A leadership ?
* A leader: is The person in the group who Has a
Combination Of personality and Skills That makes
others Want to follow him / Her .
* The leadership: is the Process of social Influence In
which one person Can enlist The Aid and support Of
others in The accomplishment Of a common task.
Types of Leadership Styles :
Here are the eight most common leadership styles:
 Coaching Leadership
 Autocratic Leadership
 Laissez-faire Or hands off Leadership
 Democratic Leadership
 Transformational Leadership
 Transactional Leadership
 Bureaucratic Leadership
Levels of Leadership :
 The 5 Levels of Leadership are: 
1. Position - People follow because they have to.
2. Permission - People follow because they want to.
3. Production - People follow because of what you have done for
the organization.
4. People Development - People follow because of what you have
done for them personally.
5. Pinnacle - People follow because of who you are and what you
Characters of Leadership :
Want to become a great leader? Here are ten leadership
qualities that can make you a good leader :
 Honesty and integrity
 Confidence
 Inspire Others
 Commitment and Passion
 Good Communicator
 Decision Making Capabilities
 Accountability
 Delegation and Empowerment
 Creativity and Innovation
 Empathy
Skills of Leadership :
 Here are The Five Essential Leadership Skills :
1. Communication
2. Motivation
3. Positivity
4. Creativity
5. Feedback
Skills of A Good Leaders
 There are :
a number of broad skill areas that are
particularly important for leaders. These includes :
1. Strategic thinkings skills
2. Planning and Delivary skills
3. People management skills
4. Change management and innovation Skills
5. Communication skills
Principles of Leadership :
 To help you be, know, and do, follow these eleven principles of leadership:
1. Know Yourself And seek Self-improvement
2. Be Tecnically Proficient
3. Seek responsibilty and take responsibilty for your actions
4. Make sound and Timely dicisions
5. Set the Example
6. Know your people and look out for their well-being:
7. Keep your workers informed
8. Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers
9. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished
10. Train as a team
11. Use the full capabilities of your organization
Importance of The
Leadership :
 Motivating Employees

 Creating Confidence
 Builds Morale
 Directing Group Activity
 Develops good Human Relation.

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