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The Concept of Leadership and

Qualities of a leader
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader
• Leadership is the highest potent quality of an individual to be greatly successful in
life. It is the key dynamic factor that can encourage one to actively participate in
many ventures that lead to the attainment of goals. It is also the key force to develop
teamwork to ensure completion of concern goals or purpose.

• The Following are the different meaning and types of leadership as maybe applied by
• There are no specific styles of leadership that would guarantee efficiency and
effectiveness of the operation/mission of a certain group on organization. The
adoption of a particular leadership style depends on the nature of the leader,
members and work of a certain organization. Leadership style is the manner and
approach of providing direction, implementation of plans, and motivating people.
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader
• Leadership is a process of giving control, guidance, headship, direction
and governance to a group or organizations to accomplish their
objectives. Without being inspired by a leader, the whole organization on
a department might drift along with no definite focus on key objectives
such as trying to improve the worker’s safety.
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader
• Leadership is the art of influencing and directing others to do the assigned tasks or
goals, in such a way as to attain them. There is obedience, respect, loyalty and
cooperation. Leadership can be exercised by anyone irrespective of the framework of
command. Also, it is the process of guiding and directing the behavior of the people
in the work environment.
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader

• Leadership is the ability to inspire, to build confidence and

gain support among the people to attain organizational goals.
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader

• Leader as a guide is the one who assumes the role of a director,

organizer, mentor, guru or adviser.
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader

• Leader as a front runner is the one who can spearhead, shading

light, a trailblazer, and ground breaker.
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader

• Leader as a head is the one who can called as chief,

manager, superior, principal, boss and superior.
The Concept of Leadership and Qualities of a leader

• Servant Leadership is a kind of servant hood and done as a

sense of vocation, it also implies stewardship of good
citizenship and community. It is a means of serving others more
than oneself…
• Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and will power,
you can before an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a
never-ending process of self-study, education, training and experience.
Leaders carry out this process by applying the leadership attributes, such
as beliefs, value, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills.

• inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain
things you must be, know, and do. These do not come naturally, but are
acquired through continual work and study. Leadership is a process by
which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs
the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.
1.AUTHORITARIAN Leadership - The leader leads his men by means of his rank position. It
is self-centered type of leadership where he believes he is the only one who is capable of
directing his subordinates.

2.PATERNALISTIC Leadership - The leader leads his men by always setting example. This
type of a leader manifests an example of a father, who seems to be always after the welfare of
his children.

3.PARTICIPATIVE Leadership - The leader makes his men participate actively in the task of
the organization but the leader reserves the right to make final decisions on critical matters.

4.LASSIES - FAIRE Leadership - The leader leaves decision making to his subordinates. He
will give assignments, and then it is up for his men to accomplish the task on whatever manner
they can do it.
• There are no specific styles of leadership that would guarantee efficiency and
effectiveness of the operation/mission of a certain group on organization. The
adoption of a particular leadership style depends on the nature of the leader,
members and work of a certain organization. Leadership style is the manner and
approach of providing direction, implementation of plans, and motivating people.
• What makes a good leader? It is something in his or her genetic
make up that makes it easier for him or her to lead people? Is
he or she the product of years of training? Continue reading to
discover the top qualities that you need to foster to improve
your leadership qualities.
1.Honesty - Honesty should be at the top of every list, no matter what position you’re looking to obtain.
If you want your team members to trust and respect you, it is essential that you are honest with them. If
you get into the habit of lying about little things and someone finds out, it will undermine your authority
as a leader. If your team members don’t trust you, they’re not going to put their hearts into your projects.

2.Communication - You need to be able to get your point across clearly and concisely. In the same vein,
you also need to be able to talk to your team members, and be willing to listen! Good Communication in
both directions is essential to a stable and effective team, and you, as a leader, need to be the one to foster
that communication. Ask questions of your team members and really listen to their responses.

3.Education - While this will not necessarily prevent you from becoming a leader, the old phrase
“Knowledge is Power” holds considerable weight in this case. If you are working within a company,
make sure you are current on any policies and procedures that might affect your work. If you’re planning
to start a project in the near future concerning a topic or product that you’re not familiar with, collect as
much research as possible before you begin.
4.Flexibility - You need to learn to bend considerably before you break. Things will not always go the way you plan
or expect them to, and sometimes this change in routine can cause considerable stress for you and your teammates.
Don’t panic and in absolutely no circumstances should you take out that stress on your teammates. Instead, be
flexible and turn a bad situation into a beneficial one.

5.Delegation - This can be one of the hardest leadership exercises to practice, especially for someone who is used to
doing everything himself or herself. If you have ever said, ”If you want something done right, do it yourself,” then
this skill might be difficult for you to learn.
Assign responsibilities and projects to your team members and take a step back. You need to be available if any
questions or problems arise but for the most part you need to trust your team to complete the projects to your
satisfaction and to do so independently.

6.Organization - No one is going to respect you as a leader if they walk into your office and can’t find you behind
all the clutter on your desk. The same thing applies if you show up to a presentation and can’t find your notes
because your bag is a mess, or you forget your suit when you head to a conference. Not only will being organized
make your life simpler, it will make you appear more confident and in control.
7.Confidence - If you don’t have confidence in yourself and your team, you will never inspire them to be confident in themselves.
While each individuals belong to a team, they need to be sure of themselves and be confident in their abilities to succeed at any task
that is set before them. What sort of example are you setting for them if you cannot even be confident in your own abilities?

8.Inspirational - One of the most important skills you will learn as a leader is how to inspire others. You may have your team
member that is fantastic artist and would make a stunning graphic designer with a little bit of practice. Your job is to inspire him or
her to become the amazing artist that you know he or she can be. Not only will it help you to gain the trust and confidence of your
team member, you will also gain individual with a valuable skill for your team.

9.Humor - Never lose your sense of humor. If you get every little bad thing get to you, you’ll go gray before you reach you 30th
birthday. No matter what bad things happen, with a little ingenuity and good sense of humor, you can always turn it to your
advantage. Servers crashed?
Break out some beach balls and play volleyball in the break room while you wait for tech support to arrive. Roof fall in? Time to
work from home. Pajama day! There’s no situation that can’t be improved with a smile and a good solid sense of humor.

10.Commitment - Your team can’t think that you’re too good to get in there and get your hands dirty once in a while. If you want to
really inspire people to work with you, make sure they know that you are more than willing to work with them work and directing
them from equal footing.

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