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Multi-Agent Systems


Tom Holvoet
Dept. Computer Science, KU Leuven
Multi-Agent Systems
Course objectives
 an introduction to software models and techniques for multi-agent systems
 behavior & decision making
 planning
 coordination

 a general perspective on cooperative and non-cooperative behaviour

 a conceptual framework for distributed problem solving, based on recent
research in this area

 make a scientific project - limited literature study, practical development,

evaluation, reporting.
Course content: 5 modules
1. Agent architectures & BDI

2. Planning

3. Multi-agent task allocation

4. Swarm intelligence

5. Game theory
For each module…
 Basic topics
 core concepts, techniques, algorithms
 description of what you must be able to do

 discussed during lecture

 Advanced topics
 options for research project

 not discussed during lecture

Course Organization

 6-7-8 lectures
 no exercise / PC-lab sessions

 project
 “independent scientific study”

 important part of course evaluation!

Project - How to…?
1. preparation
1. choose a module that inspires you
2. study its material in depth
 basic and advanced (or define your own ‘advanced’ direction!)
3. study material on ‘how to do research’ (“handbook” or “systematic lit. review”)
2. the research
1. formulate your research question & hypotheses
then do a limited/targeted but systematic literature study;
or systematic study of other relevant sources (e.g. tools, frameworks)
2. do the research
study literature (possibly follow-up references) or other sources
analyze literature or other sources
synthesize literature, or ‘use’ other sources
3. answer research question & (in)validate hypotheses
through argumentation based on literature
through case study
through implementation & experimentation
Project – Practical…
 in group of 2, or work individually

 what to deliver?
 presentation of 12’-15’ (dense!)
 OR paper of 6-7 pages
 when to deliver?
 before 1 June, 6PM
 time mgt!!

 evaluation criteria?
 quality & size of the research & discussion
 Appr. 30-45 hrs for the research itself (intensive)!
 don’t take this lightly…

 questions & feedback?

 during lecture time slot in lecture-free weeks
 exam schedule – see IER

 “oral with written preparation”

 written – questions & exercises on slides & basic material of all modules (50%)

 oral – presentation & discussion on research project (50%)

 presentation of appr 12’-15’

 discussion

convince me of size and quality of your research!!


 Basic concepts and techniques on AI

 Object-oriented programming
 for programming exercises and task
MAS course material

 transparencies – on-line
 reading & study material
 books
 chapters
 papers

 see detailed list per module – online!

 should you take notes?

 the gluing “story” is often not in the reading and study material
 core technical things are in the reading and study material, or
in the slides
MAS course website

 “Toledo”

 course material
course ID: B-KUL-H02H4A
 discussion forum
 announcements / e-mail
 ...

register !!

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