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Types of antenatal

• Transverse exercise
• Pelvic tilting or rocking exercise
• Pelvic floor exercise
• Foot and leg exercise
• Breathing exercise
• Abdominal muscle contraction exercise
• Tailor sitting exercise
Transverse exercise
Sit comfortably or kneel on
the all four with a level
spine. Breath in and out ,
then gently pull in the
lower part of the abdomen,
below the umbilicus
keeping the spine still and
breath normally. Hold for
up to 10 seconds then
relax gently. Repeat up to
10 times.
Pelvic tilting or rocking
Do this in half lying position, well
supported with pillows, knees
bent and feet flat. Place one
hand under the small of the
back and the other on the top
of the abdomen. Tighten the
abdominals and buttocks and
press the small of the back
down on to the underneath
hand. Breath normally, hold
for up to 10 seconds then
relax. Repeat up to 10 times.
Pelvic floor exercise
Sit, stand or half lie with legs
slightly apart. Close and draw
up around the back passage
as though preventing a bowel
action then repeat around
the front two passages as
through preventing the flow
of urine. Draw up inside and
hold for as long as possible,
up to 10 seconds, breath
normally , then relax. Repeat
up to 10 times.
Abdominal muscle contraction exercise
This exercise strengthens the
abdominal muscles which
assist in effective pushing
during the second stage of
labour. Contract and relax the
muscles of the abdomen.
Repeat as often as desired and
gradually increase the time
held. A women takes a fairly
deep inspiration and exhales
Another way to do is same as in
blowing out the candle.
Foot and leg exercise
Sit or half lie with legs
supported, bend and
stretch the ankles at
least 12 times. Circle
both feet at the ankle at
least 20 times in each
direction. Brace both
knees, hold for a count
of four, then relax.
Repeat 12 times.
Breathing exercise
Sit comfortably with eyes
closed, listen in to your
breathing concentrating
especially on the outward
breath, recognizing the
short pause before the
inward breath naturally
follows. Keep the movement
fairly low down in the chest
and be aware of your own
breathing rate while resting.
Tailor sitting exercise
This exercise stretches the
perineal muscles and
strengthens the thigh
muscles. The patient
should sit flat on the floor
with legs outstretched,
knees are gently pushed to
the floor until the perineal
muscles begin to stretch.
Hold this position for at
least 15 minutes every day.

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