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Strategies & Practices
Mara Zapata, Ph.D.
EDG 3443 – Classroom & Behavior Management
 How do teachers select the management tools and strategies they
will use in their classrooms?

 Teaching personality

Selecting  Needs of students

 Demands of the behavioral situation
The Teacher –
1) Specifies the desirable conditions
Classroom 2) Analyzes existing conditions
Management – 3) Uses management strategies

4 Stage 4) Assesses effectiveness

Two perspectives:
5) Centered on consequences imposed by the teacher
6) Focused on guiding individuals to make their own choices
 Authoritarian Approach
 Teacher Centered
 Teacher establishes the rules and enforces them
 Total teacher control
MOST  Students do not behave without strict discipline enforced by the
Teacher  Student learning facilitated in teacher controlled environment
 Behavior Modification
Control  All behavior is learned
 Role of teacher is to promote appropriate student behavior by
rewarding it & eliminating inappropriate behavior by not rewarding it
 Four major teacher actions -1) positive reinforcement 2) punishment
3) negative reinforcement 4) extinction/time-out
 Group Guidance Practice –
 Socio-psychological approach orienting students toward desired
 Assumes teacher role is to establish productive group(s) within the
MODERATE classroom social system
 Clearly stated expectations
Teacher  Standards of conduct

Control 
Democratic leadership
Positive interpersonal relationships
 Productive group norms – allow open communication
 Students are encouraged by teacher and assisted in managing the
behaviors of the group
 Individual Guidance Process (Socio-emotional practice)
 Roots in counseling and clinical psychology
 Advances the belief that positive teacher-student relationships are
necessary if effective classroom management and instruction are
LEAST to occur
Teacher  Caring teacher’s attitude helps facilitate learning that fosters
trust, acceptance, and understanding qualities associated with
Control successful teaching
 Goal is to develop children’s emotional intelligence, so they can
show empathy for others’ feelings
 Eight Areas need to be addressed for a child to function with
empathy & caring:
 1) Self-awareness
 2) Awareness of others
Empathy and  3) Emotional self-regulation
Caring for  4) communication abilities
Others  5) Self-motivation
 6) Problem-solving & decision-making abilities
 7) Collaborative learning abilities
 8) realistic & positive sense of self
 Canter Assertive Discipline Models
 Jones Positive Discipline Model
 Kounin Effective Momentum Model
Consequence  Dreikurs Logical Consequences Model
Models  Goodlad Traditional Model
 Skinner Behavior Modification Model
 Howard – Efficacy in Action Approach
 Albert – Cooperative Discipline Approach
Group  Landau – Judicious Discipline Approach
Guidance  McGinnis & Goldstein – Skillstreaming Model
Models  Schrumpf & Crawford – Peer Mediation
 Allred – Positive Action

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