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What is a school records management system


 School records are documented evidence of what a school does. School

records contain data and information about various aspects of a school’s
operations, including data about its students, teachers, classes, facilities and
finances. The main purpose of a SRMS is to systematically record, store and
update the school’s records.
 The information from the SRMS is used to support evidence-based
management of the school. School managers regularly make decisions about
their school’s operations. To make good decisions, school managers need
information that is up-to-date and accurate. A SRMS helps school
managers to systematically collect, store and analyse information about their
school so they have relevant and reliable information readily available to
support decisions they make in running the school.
 The school records management
 Creation – beginning a new record and starting to record data and information, for example
creating a student record card for a new student.
 Storage – keeping the records in an organized manner so they can be accessed by authorized
people but kept secure from unauthorized access, loss or damage.
 Update – adding new information to a record or modifying existing information in a record.
 Retrieval – searching for, locating and extracting records from storage.
 Appraisal and retention– determining whether and how long a record should be:
 retained for active use;
 archived; or
 disposed of.
 Archiving – storing inactive records so they can be later retrieved for use.
 Disposal – discarding, deleting or destroying a record
General Records

 1. General register
 2. Log book
 3. Visitors’ book
 4. Staff record
 5. Public relations record
Records of Teachers

 1. Service book
 2. Attendance register
 3. Leave register
 4. Register of private tuitions of teacher
 5. Confidential record
 6. Teacher’s diary
Records of Pupils

 1. Attendance register
 2. School leaving certificate
 3. Cumulative record card
 4. Admission record
 5. Performance record.
Equipment Records

 1. Dead stock register

 2. Laboratory register
 3. Library register
 4. Stationery issue book
 5. Stock and issue of sports material
 6. Inventories of infrastructural facilities
Dead stock register

 Inventory that doesn’t turn over – that doesn’t sell – is often referred to
as dead stock. With businesses that don’t use inventory management
software, dead stock can remain on warehouse shelves forgotten and
 Dead stock costs businesses money. They can’t recoup the costs of
unsold goods that they either manufactured themselves or purchased
from another company. In addition, storing dead stock costs money and
takes up valuable warehouse space that could be used to house more
of a company’s top-selling products.
How to Avoid Dead Stock

 To avoid dead stock and its associated expense, consider doing the
 Use inventory management software that can alert you to issues so
they can be addressed in a timely way.
 Order smaller quantities when offering new products until you know
how they perform, even if the price per unit cost is higher.
 Survey customers to learn what other products they want.
 Base new product offerings on industry and customer research rather
than gut, intuition, or personal interests.
school or demonstration school

  is an elementary or secondary school operated in association with a

university, college, or other teacher education institution and used for
the training of future teachers, educational experimentation,
educational research, and professional developmen
school library 

 A(or a school library media center) is a library within a school where

students, staff, and often, parents of a public or private school have
access to a variety of resources.
Statistical Data:

 Statistical information related to pupil enrolment, sex-wise distribution

of pupils, pupil-staff ratio, cost per student, failure records etc
Financial Records”

 (1) Daily cash book

 (2) Ledger
 (3) Contingency register
 (4) Register of fee collection
 (5) Register of donations received.

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