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 SESIÒN 2: clases

 Grade :2nd sec.

 Subject :English
 Topic: demostrative adjectives
 Teacher: Inés Flores

Querido Estudiante: Previo saludo cordial, paso a explicarte

respecto a nuestra 1era sesión.
1.- Leer comprensivamente y copiar o pegar en el cuaderno de
asignatura: English

“A dynamic and demanding system for quality education”

Wednesday 01st, April 2020
Value commitment and creativity
Topic demostrative adjectives
Copy as a vocabulary with their own meaning.
 Object pronoun
How do you spell this / como se deletrea…

 Word spell
 Monday M y
 window w w
 Computer C r
 Poster P r
 These T e
 Carrot c t
 Orange o e

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