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The Effect of Organizational

Factors on Whistleblowing
Nabila Rizki Afiya - 12030116130184
Research Background

Even though the

Some people say that
There are many whistleblowing act
the whistleblower is a
reasons why protects the
hero who upholds
whistleblowing does whistleblower’s right,
ethical values, but
not happen many people are still
others consider the
widely indecisive due to
whistleblower a traitor
organizational factors
Problem Formulation
Does organizational factors have significant impact on whistleblowing intention in
Research Objective
This research aims to examine organizational factors contribute to the whistleblowing
intention in universities
Research Purpose

Theoretical Practical

Increase researcher’s Academics: providing

knowledge about references to further research
whistleblowing intention and related to whistleblowing
the importance of reporting intention
Organizations: help to make the
right policies regarding
whistleblowing and create good
climate for employees
Theoretical Background

Theory of Planned Behavior

The theory was intended to

explain all behaviors over
which people have the ability
to exert self-control
Research Framework

Independent Variables
Dependent Variable
Fair Treatment
Whistleblowing Intention


Ethical Climate
H1: There is a significant positive relationship between fair treatment and the
whistleblowing intention.

H2: There is a significant positive relationship between cooperativeness and the

whistleblowing intention.

H3: There is a significant positive relationship between ethical climate and the
whistleblowing intention.
Population and Sample
The population chosen as this research is a finance staffs of universities located in
Semarang City. This research apply the convenience sampling techniques.
Types and Data Sources
This type of research uses primary data, and the data is obtained from questionnaire
(likert-type scale) that will be distributed to potential respondents.
Data Analysis Techniques
Descriptive Statistics Cross-sectional Regression

Descriptive statistics are brief cross-sectional regression is a

descriptive coefficients that type of regression in which the
summarize a given data set, explained and explanatory
which can be either a variables are all associated with
representation of the entire or a the same single period or point
sample of a population. in time
Thank you!

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