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Nursing Management

-Management of a child with cystic fibrosis should be holistic and meticulous.

1. Monitor the child for signs of Respiratory distress. Maintaining lung function as near to
normal as possible by controlling respiratory infection and clearing airways of mucus.
2. Administering nutritional therapy (such as enzyme supplements, multivitamin and
mineral supplements) to maintain adequate growth.
3. Managing complications.
4. Assist patient to maintain adequate airway clearance, reduced risk factors.
5.Encourage use of corticosteroids, bronchodilators and antibiotics.
6.Chest physical therapy and postural drainage.
7. Administer antibiotics as prescribed (eg, fluoroquinolones)
8. Restrict contact with people with respiratory infection.
9. Provide frequent mouth care to reduce chances of infection because mucus is present.
10. Teach the child to cough effectively.
11. Increase fluid intake/ encourage the child to drink extra fluids.
12. Maintain the child in semi fowlers position.
13. Teach them to exercise.
14. Good handwashing technique should be practice to all.
15. Restrict people with an infection from contact with the child.
16. Provide age- appropriate activities and help alleviate anxiety and
17. Provide family support.

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