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Concept of History in the Works of Sultan Bahoo

Mudassir Ayub
M Phil (History)
Roll # 18, Session 2016-18

Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shafique Bhatti

Department of History & Civilization Studies

Bahaudin Zakriya University Multan
Sultan Bahoo was belonged to “Awan” family non-Fatmide descendants of Hazrat Ali fourth Caliph and companion of Holy Prophet (PBUH). His
forefathers migrated to Khurasan from Arab land. During the political disturbance in Khuransan they migrated to Sub-Continent. They lived in the
areas of Salt range. His father was a pious and gentle person. Sultan Bahoo’s birthdate is 1039 A.H (1627 A.D According to different sources 1630).

Sultan Bahoo’s father Bazeed Muhammad was an ascetic person having the deep
affiliation with God. During the war between Raja Maroot with Nazim of Multan
Bazeed Muhammad asked to present their services and asked to leave him alone
against the Raja Maroot. He was allowed by Nazi of Multan and he alone cut of the
head of Raja and present to Nazim e Multan. Due to his bravery he was blessed with
Shortkot Fort as Jageer. He shifted their and Sultan Bahoo birth place was Shorkot.
Statement of Problem
 My statement of problem is to analyze the works of Sultan Bahoo. Analysis is
based on “Concept of History” in relevance with his time and current age.
There is focused the basic questions particularly related to the Human
development and development of Human Society: Socio-Political ideas like
Change, Time, Space, Knowledge, Evolution, History, etc. How Sultan Bahoo
define these concepts in his thought and how he understands the society and
role of individual in society? What are the basics of Human training to play a
leading role in society in the view of contemporary socio-political challenges?
What is the thought of Sultan Bahoo about an ideal society as thinker,
philosopher and social reformer?
I have defined the concept of History and specified the different questions and concepts as the basic part of
concept of History like:
i) Concept of Knowledge ii) Concept of Change
iii) Concept of Evolution iv) Concept of Life & Death
v) Concept of Leadership vi) Concept of Society
vii) Concept of Self-Actualization viii) Concept of Mind/Thinking/ Observation
ix) Concept of Time & Space x) Concept of Nafs
Xi) Concept of Dunya (Mundane) xii) Concept of Qalb
xiii) Concept of Faqr

I have collected the different sayings of Sultan Bahoo related to the above discussed concepts and analyzed

them in the view of concept of History. I have also used the Internal and External Criticism for the

verification of Books authored by Sultan Bahoo and about Sultan Bahoo. I have also compared the different

translations of Sultan Bahoo’s books by different authors.

There are two kinds of Sources first written by Sultan Bahoo and Second
Written about Sultan Bahoo

Primary Sources
 Ain Ul Faqr (Persian)
 Ameer Ul Konain (Persian)
 Aql e Bedar (Persian)
 Abiat E Bahoo (Punjabi)
The Concept of History
 The Concept of Historical Knowledge
 The Nature of Historical Knowledge
 Place of History in His concept of knowledge
 The Concept of Time and Space
 The Concept of Evolution
 Use of History/ Historical Knowledge
 Purpose of Historical Evidence
Concept of Knowledge
• Sultan Bahoo & Knowledge

• The Nature of Knowledge

• The Characteristics of Knowledge

• Importance of Knowledge

• Theories of Knowledge

• Kinds of Knowledge
The Concept of Individual (Fard)
• The Nature of Fard
• The Concept of Nafs
• The Concept of Qalb
• The Concept of Mind/Thinking/Observation/Meditation
• The Concept of Life and Death
• Purpose of Human Activity: Concept of Wahdat(Wajud, Shahud,
• The Concept of Faqr
• The Concept of Mentorship
Concept of Human Development

Concept of Society
Concept of Change
Concept of Dunya (Mundane)
Sultan Bahoo defined the three levels of knowledge and understanding and all his
thought revolve around this. These levels are “Ilm ul yaqeen, Ain ul Yaqeen and
Haq ul Yaqeen. He discussed all contemporary theories and methods of
knowledge like empirical method, prejudices, forestructure of understanding,
fusion of horizon, contextualism, likening disliking, philosophy and role of
previous knowledge. Sultan Bahoo divided the concept of knowledge into two
parts, Ilm e Zahir, ilm e Batin and these kinds are further deeply discussed with
many sub kinds. Sultan Bahoo focused the use of historical sources in specific
way and purpose of understanding like empirical method, previous knowledge,
intuition etc. Sultan Bahoo concept of knowledge’s basic topics are society,
Human behaviour, morality, Vices of society as the part of human self, all kinds of
knowledge under the external view of society and human self. Many kinds of
Batini knowledge like, Ilm e Kun, Ilm e Ghaib, Ilme Ladduni, Ilm e Akseer, Ilm e
Takseer, Ilm e Rohaniat, these all kinds are discussed in his concept of
knowledge. The basic purpose of his concept of knowledge is formation of ideal
society, establishment of socio-economic justice, revival of human relation with
Allah Almighty, reaching in the court of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Allah
Almighty without achievement of this goal of unification and union with Allah
Almighty he said Human is not completed in his nature.

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