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Narrative Text

• Aishabella Andisya (04)

• Muhammad Hanif Taufan (23)
• Ni Luh Ketut Khanya (28)
• Ridho Achmad Satrio (32)
Golden Snail
Once Upon a time. There lived a king named Kertamarta. He led a
kingdom that is very beautiful and majestic, the kingdom is the kingdom
of Daha. Raja Kertamarta has two beautiful daughters, Dewi Galuh and
Candra Kirana. Their lives are very happy and well-off.One day, a
handsome prince from the kingdom of Kahuripan arrived. The prince
named Raden Inu Kertapati. The arrival of the Prince to the kingdom of
Daha is to propose to one of the Princesses, namely Candra Kirana. The
arrival and intention of the Prince was welcomed by King Kertamarta.
Princess Candra Kirana also accepted the proposal of Prince Raden Inu
Kertapati.Because the engagement was made Dewi Galuh feel very
jealous. He put his heart on Raden Inu Kertapati and felt she was the
more suitable person to be his fiancée. From this feeling then develop
into feeling hate. Dewi Galuh began to plan to get rid of Candra Kirana
from the kingdom.
One day, secretly Princess Dewi Galuh went to meet an evil witch. He asked
the Magicians to help Candra Kiran become something disgusting and Prince
Raden Inu stay away. He also hopes to become a replacement for Candra
Kirana as his fiancée.The wizard also agreed to the request of the Goddess
Galuh. However, Magicians cannot enter the palace because it will arouse a
suspicion. Finally, Dewi Galu had a strategy to defame Candra Kirana, so that
she was expelled from the kingdom. Candra Kirana left the kingdom feeling
sad. Along the way he met an evil witch and bewitched Candra Kirana into a
Conch Mas. After successfully conjuring Candra Kirana, the magician
directly threw her into the river."Your curse will disappear if you can meet
your fiance Prince Raden Inu." Witch said.One day, a grandmother was
fishing with a net. Finally, Keong Mas was also caught in the net. Seeing how
beautiful Conch Mas he got. The grandmother immediately took her home
and kept Keong Mas in a jar. The grandmother took care of the conch mas
well and gave food, so as not to die.
The next day, the grandmother returned to the river to
look for fish. However, none of which he got. Because
it's been too long but not getting results. He immediately
decided to go home.When Grandma gets home. He was
very surprised. He saw that very good food had been
placed on his desk. He was very surprised and
wondered who had made this food.Every day similar
events continue to occur. Because I feel curious. The
grandmother decided to pretend to go to the sea.
Actually he wants to know and peek who has made food
every day.
The grandmother was very surprised. Seeing the conch Mas
he kept in the jar turned into a beautiful girl. The beautiful
girl immediately prepared food on the table. Because of
curiosity, the grandmother immediately approached the
beautiful girl"Who are you beautiful princess? And where are
you from? " Ask the grandmotherConch Mas which turned
into its original form, namely Candra Kirana. Very surprised
to see the sudden arrival of the grandmother. Finally, Candra
Kirana explained who she really was. And tell me why he
changed to Keong Mas. After explaining to the grandmother,
Candra Kirana was once again transformed into a conch mas.
Meanwhile, Prince Raden In uterus is looking for Princess Candra
Kirana who suddenly disappeared somewhere. However, he could
not get any news from Candra Kirana. Prince Raden Inu is very
confident that Candra Kirana is still alive. because that belief made
Raden Inu not stop looking. He also promised, he would not return
to the kingdom before finding his fiancé Candra Kirana.Finally, the
evil Witch learns that Prince Raden is looking for Candra Kirana.
He was looking for a way so that the Prince could not find Candra
Kirana. He also disguised himself as a crow.Along the way, Raden
Inu was shocked by the Crow Burug who could speak. The crow
knows its purpose. The prince who feels happy and thinks the bird
knows where Kirana's candra is. He also followed the instructions
given by the Crow. Even though the road directions are wrong.
Prince Raden, began to be confused by the instructions given by
the Crow. Along the way, he met an old man who was starving.
He immediately gave food. Apparently, the grandfather was a
powerful grandfather and helped Raden Inu from the Crow.
Grandfather hit the Crow with his stick and suddenly the Crow
turned to smoke.The grandfather gave me directions. Prince
Raden Inu Kertapati segeran headed Dadapan Village. For days,
he traveled. However, in the middle of his journey the stock had
run out. He felt very thirsty. he also saw a house and immediately
headed to the house. He intends to ask for a glass of water.
However, it's not just water that he gets. But the Kira candra he
was looking for. He saw his fiancee from the window cooking.
Finally, Prince Raden can find Candra Kirana. He felt very
happy. Likewise with Candra Kirana who managed to get rid
of her curse, when she met her fiance. Candra Kirana is a
beautiful girl.Raden Inu Kertapti immediately brought Candra
Kirana to the kingdom of Daha. He also invited Grandma
who had helped him. Candra Kirana also explained the
actions of Dewi Galu to His Majesty all this time. Finally, the
evil Goddess Galu was exposed.Dewi Galuh received
punishment for her actions. However, because I am afraid of
punishment. he fled to the forest. While His Majesty
apologizes to Candra.Finally, Pangeran Raden Inu and Candra
Kirana decided to get married. They lived happily.

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