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Danisa Tria Larasati
Devani Nindia Putri
Ricky Nanda Tri Hermawan
Zihan Muhammad
Zulfa Syafitri

Skin pie:
500 gr baking powder
250 gr
2 eggs
Enough salt

content of pie
6 yellow eggs
1 kaleng sweet milk

 Microvave
 baskom
 Spoon
 Penjepit
Steps :

 - First, we will make the skin of the pie -

 Next , take 500 gr powder which already prepare in above. Mix with 250 gr butter and salt enough
 After mixed. break 1 egg which the size big enough and stir into better with hand and mixed well
 - The second we will make content of the pie -
 Take another spot , make batter content of the pie. Take 6 yellow eggs which already prepare and mix with 1 tin thick sweet milk and
water. Mixer 3 ingridient above with quickly until all ingridient mixed well , the process shouldn’t make in ingridients effervesce
 Prepare edition which will use for making it. For the shape. You must use edition who usually use or your creativity
 Take better skin pie above, take a little bit and flatten with hand, remember goodly use hand for make the result so diffrent if you use
another material
 Put content of pie into edition which already dialasi skin pie , you should give it little bit not to much in other to less pie cake not
done, in this step you can show your creativity with new idea . Try add chocolate , and raisin or another for the delicius result.
 heat in oven with low fire , after it enough into editiion milk pie on that. baked for more 40 minutes until 60 minutes
 Check it. Is the pie milk done or not yet . Use toothpick for impale part of middle the cake. If still mushy or sticky. The cake not
batter with well

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