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HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Automatic Floor
Cleaning Robot Using
Raspberry Pi
Haider Ali Janjua ECI-IT-16-056
Shams ul Tamraiz ECI-IT-16-037
Tasib Naveed ECI-IT-16-104
Muhammad Qaiser ECI-IT-16-021
Supervisor Name
Engr.Sadia Mazhar

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Problem Statement:
 It helps the people of old age ,working women and
especially handicapped or ill persons.
 Less supervision is required because it operates
automatically without any dictation or supervision
 It helps the people who have tough job routine or any
other activity who have not enough time to clean the
floor, it overcomes this problem

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

 To design a floor cleaning robot that work on a route control
 To design a system that will make a vacuum cleaning process
 To design a system that is low in cost and human friendly
 To implement the robot on a specific path and provide this a
 To design a system that will help a lot to lower the number of
labour for cleaning purpose
 To implement the system on Raspberry pi.

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Literature Survey:
 We have studied the following papers on our project.
 First method is by using image processing
 Second method is to implement with route control system
 Third method is by using the line follower method
 Fourth method is by using the maze method.

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

 In image processing we will design a matlab code for
giving our robot different locations and positions and is
controlled by wide angle camera.
 In a route control system we will control our robot by
using encoders.
 In line follower system we will implement on a whole
floor for cleaning.

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

 In maze method we will design a system that work on a
zig zag method.
 Our implementation: after a complete study and survey
we have decided to use the route control system method
by using the encoder.

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Case studies flow chart

Start Is obs.

Turn On
Move forward
Change the

After cleaning
to robot

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Working of project
 Starting point
 Encoders with motors
 Vacuum system working
 Route control plan

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

 Primary components:
 Raspberry pi 2 or 3 model( we will use raspberry pi
 Motors
 Motor drivers ICs
 Encoders
 Ultrasonic sensors
 Vacuum pump
 Sucking unit
 Vacuum fan

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Components specification:
 Dc Motor 12V,3 Amp  Design encoder with the
 Weight 4-8 kg. motor.
 Suction of motor
 Dc motor speed 200rpm.
 Raspberry pi 3.
 4 tyres

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

 Secondary components:
 Robot body
 Tyres
 Wires
 Prototype model
 Dust holder
 Sucker
 Vacuum casing

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Hardware status
 Our hardware system contain prototype model of two
 1) prototype model of robot body
 2) prototype model of vacuum body
 Encoders will connect with the motors of robot
 All the hardware components will work with the raspberry

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

Software status
 We will use the software of Raspberry pi.

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

 1. “ design and development of floor cleaning machine”
by Muhammad Kashif Shaikh Ghaffar, Adil Arshad.
 2. “smart mapping and prediction aggregation and
artificial intelligence” by Tejas Gandhi.
 3. “ design and implementation of smart floor cleaning
robot” by S.Monika, K. Aruna.

HIET -- Hamdard University Islamabad Campus

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