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Sholat is an arabic or Quranic term

which means to worship to God (Allah)

in Islam. It’s different with other religion
Before doing sholat, a muslim should
take wudlu, he or she washes his or her
certain parts of body such as face, hands,
feet, and others. Then we can do sholat.
There are two kinds of sholat, they are
obligatory and sunnah prayers. Obligatory
prayer means we must do them otherwise
we will get sin. Sunnah means it can be
done or not, but preferably, we can do it to
get additional reward from Allah.
Islam stands on five obligatory prayers.
They are; Isya’, Shubuh, Luhur(Dzuhur),
Ashar, and Magrib. The all prayers can be
abbreviated with “Islam”. That’s
amazing. So, if we leave even one prayer
of the five, we are not called “Muslim”, it
means one who does the five obligatory
prayers like the abbreviation mentioned

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