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• Sprain
- Ligaments are elastic connective tissue that keeps bone in place
- Sprain is when ligament is stretched beyond normal range of motion
- Sprain is also known as torn ligament
- Severity of sprain ranges from minor injury to major injury

• Strain
- Tendons attach muscles to bones making ankle and foot move, and stabilizes joints
- Strain refers to damage of muscles and tendons due to being stretched/pulled too far
- Symptoms include muscle pain and inflammation
• Fractures
- Fracture describe the breakage in one or more bones
- It is common where average person has two fractures in a lifetime
- Four categories which are displaced, non displaced, open and closed
 In displaced, bone snaps into few parts, two ends are not lined up straight
 For non, bone cracks either part but maintain correct alignment
 In closed, bone breaks but there is no open wound in the skin
 In open, bone breaks through skin risking infection

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