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Taking advantage of India’s rapid growing base of digital consumers,

Digitally advanced firms are pulling ahead of their peers.

• India, is the second-fastest digital adopter, online retail is growing at CAGR 30%,
Total no. of internet user No. of smartphone per 100 companies with online presence are pulling ahead of their peers.
people • Digital Marketing is growing at a rate of 25-30% in India annually, as almost 560 million
people are on internet. Companies can offer Personalized marketing to each customer.

• India’s digital divide is narrowing fast as less affluent states leapfrog to catch up with
5.4 more affluent states, among top 10 states with highest digital adoption growth rate, 8
2014 2018
states have lower GDP per capita than India's overall.
Axis Title 2014 2018
• The table below shows mobile app centric approach of Indian consumers, major
population have access top mobile but not desktop. It also shows the amount of traffic
per website which can help companies decide their marketing campaign.
Cashless transaction per Montly data consumption • Just over 40 percent of the populace has an internet subscription, but India is already
person per connetion home to one of the world’s largest and most rapidly growing bases of digital consumers.
18 8320

Social networking Site(2018) Monthly Visit Mobile Traffic Share Desktop Traffic share
Facebook 1.6 Billion 99.25% 0.75%

YouTube 1.2 Billion 59.96% 40.04%

2.2 86
2014 2018 Quora 215.8 Million 98.89% 1.11%
2014 2018 Instagram 125.2 Million 99.02% 0.98%
Axis Title

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