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• Maps come in an infinite variety of sizes and styles and

serve a limitless diversity of purposes. Regardless of type,
however, every map should contain a few basic components
to facilitate its use omission of any of these essential
components decreases the clarity of the map and may make
it more difficult to interpret.
• Map elements play an important role in describing map details.
Numbered here are descriptions of cartographic elements
commonly found on map layouts. These essential features of a
map are found on almost every map around us.
• These are the supportive details given on a map to make it well
defined with reflection to an actual area on the earth’s surface
represented. Such details make the map well understood and
interpreted to recognize clearly the geographical facts of the area
They are usually given on the map border. Absence of these
on the map, makes difficulties in map reading and
The main essentials of maps include the following.
 The title explains the subject of the map and gives you an
idea of what information the map conveys The title of a
map is one of its vital features. It is the keyword that grabs
the reader’s attention. A short ‘title’ might be appropriate if
readers are familiar with the theme being presented. The
need for a suitable title, whether small or long, depends on
the reader but the title should provide an answer to their
“What? Where? When?”
Title cont.…

 This is commonly indicated at the top of the map; and on other maps
appear at bottom.
Map title is of two forms depending on what the map shows and
General title
It is given to a map that shows the general geographical details of an
area represented. It is established by writing only the name of a
region represented. This form of title commonly appears on a
topographical map. E.g. MOROGORO.

 Specific title,
This is made to appear on a map that shows specific content
among of the several about the represented area. Specific
title mostly appears on thematic and statistical maps. E.g.
North Direction
Direction is shown on a map by using a compass rose. The
compass rose shows the directions of the map so that map
readers can relate those directions to the real world.
Sometimes a compass rose will just show North. If you know
which way North is, you can figure out East, West, and South.
►A compass is a tool that
helps the user know what
direction he or she is
►On a map, a compass or a
compass rose helps the user
locate direction.
Compass Rose
 The compass rose shows you directions on a map
 Cardinal directions are north, south, east, and west
 Intermediate directions are northeast, northwest, southwest, and
 The principal reference to the map symbols; subordinated to the
title and direction. However, this is still a key element for map
reading; describing all unknown or unique map symbols used.
 The legend serves as the decoder for the symbology in the data
frame. Therefore, it is also commonly known as the key.
Descriptions detailing any color schemata, symbology or
categorization is explained here. Without the legend, the color
scheme on the map would make no sense to the viewer. The
legend tells the viewer that the lighter the color, the longer the
last recorded date has been.
Map Legends
► The legend is the key to unlocking the secrets of a map.
Objects, symbols or colors in the legend represent something
on the map.

►Maps are made to scale; that is, they tell the distance between
places on a map.
►Scale shows the ratio between a unit of length on the map and
a unit of distance on the earth, Helps to understand how much
reduction has taken place.
 Scale on the map is expressed in three varied ways and
these include:-
· In representative fraction. E.g. 1;50,000
· In statement (verbal expression) e.g., 1 cm on a map
represents 2kms on the ground.
· Graphically; e.g.
It is the frame work of the map designed. The role of a margin is to
show the end of the represented area; and also makes the map
impressive and attractive to the users.

Frame Line
Neat Line
Date of compilation.
It is a date of map publication. It is very important for a date of
compilation to appear on map. The enables the users to realize the
· Whether the map is updating or outdated relatively to the actual
appearance of the respective area represented.
· The changes which have occurred in the area. This can be realized
by comparing the latest map to other maps or the given map to the
current appearance of the area.
Grid lines ,latitudes and longitudes.

•Grid lines are the vertical and horizontal lines drawn on a map
face crossing at right angles giving so perfect squares. The
lines are numbered to make eastings and northing.
•Latitudes and longitudes are the imaginary angular distance
lines drawn on the face of map and given with the degree
numbers as have been measured more accurately from the
Centre of the earth’s surface. These represent the angular
distance of the area on the earth’s surface from the center.
•Grid lines, latitudes and longitudes in general, have a
potential significance of enabling people using map to locate
position of geographical features on the map with reflection
to actual areas represented.
•The grid lines are commonly established in more details on
large scaled maps as they represent small areas. While, the
latitudes and longitudes are widely printed on small scaled
maps as they represent wider parts of the earth’s surface.
Map identification details
These included both; serial number and sheet number of the map.
They are potentially significant in recognizing easily the maps and
also make clear distinction map to maps.
Publisher and copy writer owner.

It is important that, to any map the name of the cartographer or

institution constructed the map has to appear. This may help the map
users to make necessary consultation with the cartographer or institution
constructed the map has to appear. This may help the map users to make
necessary consultation with the cartographer or institution to have more
clear details about the area which has been mapped.

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