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Form of Government:

• Democracy is a political system.It is a behavior,it is a social condition.
• Democracy is a Greek word,made of “Demos” and “Cratos” which
means People and Rule.
• So democracy means the rule of the people.
• As a form of Govt:,it means the rule of the many.and as
representative govt;it means the rule of the majority.
• Definition.
• Seeley define democracy as;”a government in which everyone hs a
Gettel define democracy as,''That form of govt; in which the mass of
the population possessthe right to share in the exercise of sovereign
Dimentions of Modern Democracy:
Modern democracy is a product of three historical developments.
1.Evolution of English Parliamentary System.
2.The great French Revolution of 1789,with the slogan of the
sovereignty of the people.
3. The Industrial Revolution,{started from england ,spread over Europe}
• Types of Democracy.
After the second world war,democracy almost spread all over the
world,but as an ideal system and reality,democratic institutions, attitudes
and democratic valuesare not uniformally found in the states who claim
to be “Democratic.”
So three types of systems developed in different regions of the world.
1. Full Democracies: countries who developed democratic
institutions,values and practices like UK,USA,SWEDON etc.
2.Semi Democracies: which are the mixtures of democratic and autocratic
institutions and system of governance.India,pakistan are the examples.
3.Pseudo Demcracies; Countries which claim to be democratic,but only
in name not in reality.Russia and China are the example of such states.
Criteria Indicating Democratic Systems;
1. Democratic institutions like parliament,political parties,pressure
groups etc.
2. Values and Practices;Elections,peoples participation,frunchise etc.
3. Compitition in among different political parties with there
4. Free media,independent press,and access to information.
4. Majority Rule, acceptence of election results,opportunity for the
mjority party to form ministry.
5.Respect for the Minority,protection of the basic rights of minority,and
provision of an opportunity to participate in public matters.
6.Fundamental Rights of all the citizens.
7.Free and fair Elections,
8. Responsibe political leadership.
9.Absence of Discrimination on the bases of caste,
clan,creed,nationality,colour,wealth or religion.
A system which lacks these criteria partially or wholly,may be
classifiedas true,semi and pseudo democracies.

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